you bastard

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editors note: Ok so guys I'm really sorry i forgot to add this part I already wrote it but I forgot to publish so sorry! I hope you like it

editors note: Ok so guys I'm really sorry i forgot to add this part I already wrote it but I forgot to publish so sorry! I hope you like it

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dont get me wrong with this story I love Emerson he is my husband I swear

your POV

You sat on the rug in yours and emerson's house. It was really cold inside. You and emerson were engaged but... everyone knew you didn't really like Em. You liked his brother. 

No one dared to tell em that though because that would hurt him so much

Rem didnt like you and thought it was disgusting that I was getting married to his brother. "y/n, can you pls come here?" he asked and i came.

"what do you want rem"

He gripped my wrist. I felt butterflies in my stomach ohmygod he's so hot. "You are not marrying my brother"

You said "we're engaged though and Emerson loves me a lot he kisses me everyday"

"please shut the fuck up thank you." Rem became angry. he started yelling "you are hurting my brother so much do you not get this"

i felt so good around him "im really sorry Rem I hope this makes you forgive me" You leaned in and kissed his lips passionately. his lips were so soft you could kiss him forever. you started taking his pants off

He pushed you away "get out of this house. now."

"but- this is my-"

"NO. no buts get out now or I will actually tell my brother what you just did" Rem pulled his pants back up and shook his head.

I started crying what was wrong with me im marrying emerson.

the next day Sebastian called me and asked me why I wasnt at dinner and I said that I was kicked out by rem

the whole family got mad at rem and unwelcomed him. I kind of felt bad this was all my fault. I shouldnt have kissed that hot mess. he was so hot and emo i couldn't even resist this sensation. then sebastian looked at me. "im so sorry, y/n. you do know rem loves you right"

"i- what..." "yes he loves you" sebastian said "dont tell emerson"

i got so happy so I gave Seb a quick peck on his lips "thank you"

author's note: I might do a part 2 if y'all like this

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