CH.2 The Escape

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All the bodies were still and lifeless.

" I'm scared", said Cassie.

  I didn't know how to respond, all my friends were dead. Just then some ninja dudes jump out of the bushes in front of me and Cassie, but there backs were turned from me. I just saw them throw darts at people that killed them in 2 seconds.I grabbed Cassie's hand and sprinted to the car.

  We drove to my house to find shelter when 3 men in black suites shoot darts out of guns at my family killing my siblings instantly, my mom in 2 sec and my dad gathered enough strength to kill one of the guys with a metal pole before he died. I see them turn to Cassie and before I new it I jumped in front of her and got shot in the hand. In my head I new I was going to die but I waited 5 seconds then 13 seconds then when I new I wasn't going to die I tackled one of the guys to the floor catching off guard and stabbed him in the heart with the knife I always carried around in my pocket. 

   While Cassie tried to fight that guy i was getting up watching them go. Since being the man in that situation I felt I was supposed to be doing something but the way Cassie fought was marvelous when she finally grabbed a gun from the dead body of a guy and shot the last, men in black dude, nothing happened all he did was laugh.

I yelled, " Hey bozo look over here."

When he turned around I threw my knife just like Batman would have thrown his batarang. It struck him right in the chest, he paused and looked at me like I did something bad. 

" You survived the virus... that's impossible unless....", he stopped in mid sentence looking scared.

"Well you better believe it dumb***", I replied angrily.

The man turned and ran while yelling into the walky- talky,"We found him he's on 1231 Wood-hill Park 5465 Austin Texas."

After he left I felt very woozy from killing that guy I turned around and Saw Cassie as scared as me. "We should probably be on the move if he just sent the address of where we are.", I said.

She replied,"But on what? I don't want to be on the open and ......" her voice trailed off on all the reasons she didn't want to take the road.

"Well I will be right back",I said running into the garage. I got my 2 bikes that were in the there and brought the outside.

"We can use these they are for thails or for speed so these will be helpfull", I said

She just replied," Well we have no choice."

So we set off on our bikes with no weapons but my BB- guns, my machete(that was actually my dad's), and  my suvival knife. I got all the supplies we could carry and set off going south.

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