CH.1 The Bomb

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Hi my name is Ricardo and I have a story to tell, It all started 7 years ago a time that changed my life. I'm being pursued and I have to tell this story quick, so here it is:

I woke up like a normal person, on a normal day. The alarm clock reads 6:00 and I get up to wake my sisters. I was just getting ready for school thinking the same thought it was going to be a normal day; but that was the first mistake. I woke up my sisters and got ready for school my sisters ate breakfast while I got dress I yelled down stairs to my sister to hurry up. " You can do this", I said to my self. I was going to get myself killed but I was going to take on the biggest bully at school.Hinjo that was his name always terrorizing the little kids and messing with my girlfriend.

On the ride to school I was feeling very nervous it was a big day for me. all that was happening in the car was just Blah, Blah, Blah. I was just focusing on beating the crap out of Hinjo for my Spider-Girl.

when I got to school the whole place got quiet when I walked in, It was going to happen after lunch. You probably think of me as a violent person but usually I try to avoid these situations. It wouldn't have got in this mess if he wouldn't have messed with my girl.

So far the day started OK until Language Arts 2 hours before lunch,something was happening at that time and I felt it like a disturbance in the force. Then some random time clock started on my paper just out of nowhere and it looked like a time bomb. I got up and ran out of the class room with Mr. Grisham yelling at me to come back.

I didn't stop running until I got to the Prek-3 class where my little brother was, and it just so happened that my mother was there to pick him up I gathered my other siblings and got them in our car. I went back to get my back-pack, but before could get there Cassie (my girlfriend) grabbed me and started to talk to me about beating up Hinjo.

" Ricky please beat the bloody **** out of him", She said" he has been a big jerk to me just because were going out!"

" I will but just for you, I don't believe in getting in fights", I replied.

" Well I like you a lot your the best boyfriend ever"

" Well I am happy that".....BOOM I was cut off by a huge explosion.

" What was that", Cassie asked me.

I look back at the window of the class room and find everyone dead.

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