3. The Accusations

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The lady, Samaira Roy, walked towards Abhijeet and pointed her finger at Aviral. "He killed Sanjeev!" she declared.

Everyone present over there were astounded and looked at Aviral. "Samaira, have you gone mad? Why would I kill Sanjeev," he rasped. "Oh my god! Aviral stop acting like a dumbfounded person. You both were not on talking terms and it obviously directs towards the fact that you killed Sanjeev." Samaira blustered.

The ACP interrupted in a rage, "We all want to find the murderer. You cannot just come and blame that he is the killer. The police is trying their best to investigate, so please, cooperate with us." There was a pin-drop silence in the room. Abhijeet ordered everyone to leave the room except Samaira and Aviral. He closed the door and sat in front of them, his attitude and personality showing how desperate he was to find the murderer. He took out his phone to record their statements.

"Sir, everybody knows that there was a feud between me and Sanjeev but that does not prove the fact that I killed him," Aviral said. "Why not?" Abhijeet argued, "You both were not on good terms. Maybe the reason was big enough for you to kill him."

"Do you the know the reason of their feud?" Abhijeet asked to Samaira. "Of course! Hasn't he told you yet? That's surprising. Well, I will tell you what happened," said Samaira in an attitude.


Location: Mandarin Oriental, Mumbai
It was an after party organised by the famous designer, Angira Mehta, as her fashion show was a success. All the guests were dressed as if it was a Met Gala, there were photographers, continuously clicking pictures. Everyone  was drinking and enjoying.

The door opened and everybody gasped as Samaira Roy, the super model, entered the hall. She was looking like the next Kylie Jenner of India. The photographers surrounded her so that they could get the best shot of her. Everyone else jealously looked at her. They were the spotlight of the party but now Samaira had stolen their thunder.

Angira welcomed her supermodel with a hug. "Samaira, you stole the show. It was a huge success, thanks to you." "Angira dear, your designs were so classy and the hardwork you had done. Of course, it had to be a success," Samaira said with a smile. They both popped open the champagne bottle in the name of the successful show.

A little later, two men entered and the crowd started cheering for them. It was none other than Sanjeev, Samaira's boyfriend, and Aviral, his best friend. She approached and hugged them. She took Sanjeev to her model friends whereas Aviral flirted with other girls.

After a while Sanjeev and Aviral sat on a couch. They both were a bit drunk. "You know Samaira and I are going to take a step forward in our relationship. We are going in live-in relationship," Sanjeev said while he was swaying as he couldn't stay still. "Congratulations bro, it's a huge step. I hope you to will remain together forever, "Aviral gurgled. "Yeah I'm so excited the only problem is that she is a clean freak and I am just the opposite. Anyways we will work it out. I hope she will not nag me," Sanjeev chuckled. " Atleast you will learn to keep your room near and tidy. I have seen the mess you create," Aviral laughed. "I know it's not good but I hope I will let go this bad habit of mine.", Sanjeev said.  

"You know there was a time when we used to live together and she used to nag me at the smallest mess I made," Aviral said while lying on the couch. "You and Samaira used to live together?", Sanjeev asked.  "Yeah we were in a relationship for five years and it was a a live-in relationship," Aviral said while staring at his drink. "What? You..you and Samaira? When?Where?" Sanjeev yelled while grabbing Aviral's collar. Aviral was so drunk that he didn't know what he just spoke. Sanjeev punched him in his face and the fight started. Samaira intervened before the things could turn ugly and pulled them to a secluded corner.

"What's your problem guys? Why did you start fighting? Do you know how embarrassing it was for me?" Samaira shouted.
"Huh! Embarrassing. Please stop pretending like a victim here. You never told me that you and this punk were in a relationship," Sanjeev said. He felt cheated as Samaira had never opened this chapter of her life with him. "Sanjeev, that was past. The topic never came up so I didn't discuss," Samaira clarified.

Aviral came to his senses and tapped Sanjeev's shoulder. "Bro listen. I was her boyfriend. We were in an honest relationship but it broke. So, there wasn't any need of discussing it," Aviral said.


Present Scene

"So, this is what happened at the party. This was the reason of feud between him and Sanjeev", Samaira said while sitting in a Cambridge cross, "Later, I apologised to Sanjeev for not sharing this with him." Aviral shook his head, "Sir, Sanjeev was the one who got angry. He was the one who punched me. He was the one who felt cheated. He was the one who stopped talking. Then, why would I kill him? He should have killed me."

"He punched you. He punched you in front of at least a hundred people. Your ego was hurt, Aviral," Samaira argued. Aviral opened his mouth to speak but Abhijeet gestured him to stop. "How did you get the watch?" Abhijeet questioned. "Sanjeev gave it to me," Aviral avoided Abhijeet's eyes. Abhijeet stared at him for a while and then leaned closer, "You both were not on talking terms. The only time you were together, was on the field. Then why would he give you his watch? As a sovereign of your lost friendship?" Aviral lowered his eyes and mumbled, "I don't know."

The conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. Senior Inspector Apoorva entered the room and said, "Sir, two members of the Cricket Board are here, Mr Uday Shetty and Mr Sanjoy Ghosh. They want to meet you." Abhijeet nodded and walked out to the lobby.

The ACP shook hands with the two Board members. "Don't worry, gentlemen. We will find the murderer soon," he assured them. "Sanjeev's parents will be reaching here soon. Do you have any clue about the murderer?" Mr Shetty inquired. "As of now, we suspect Mr Aviral Sharma," Abhijeet pointed at Aviral who was standing with his teammates now, "He will have to come with us. I hope that you will co-operate." The Board members nodded.


Crime Branch

"How did you get the watch?" Inspector Salim asked Aviral. "I have already told ACP sir. Sanjeev gave it to me. He gave it to me on the morning of the semifinals. Believe me sir, I did not do anything." "Why did he give you the watch? It was a fifteen member squad and the coaches and other staff. Why you?" "I don't know," Aviral shook his head, "I had no time to ask him. The match started immediately after that. As soon as the match ended, he left somewhere and then this."

In another room, SI Apoorva asked Samaira, "Where were you at the time of Sanjeev's death?" "I was at my house. We were about to celebrate one month of our relationship. But Sanjeev left. I was drinking in grief. I came back to my senses this morning and reached the hotel as soon as I could." Before she could ask another question, Apoorva received a call from her senior and rushed to his cabin.

Abhijeet gestured both his juniors to sit and passed them a file. "Dr Tarika has sent the forensic report. The DNA matches to Sanjeev's. There are no traces of any other person. It was a speed sensitive bomb. I suppose he applied brakes for some reason and the car blasted." Apoorva and Salim nodded at their senior and told him about Aviral and Samaira's statements. Abhijeet nodded, "If he had stopped his car at Samaira's place, the bomb must have been fixed there. Or maybe, he stopped his car on his way back. Check the CCTV and see if you can find anything. And check everyone's alibi."

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