Chapter 2:

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Hey I would love if you guys left suggestions about anything. bad or good.

I take my bags up to my room to unpack into the draws my dad set up. The reason we moved is because my father took a job offer that paid a lot more money. My mom was okay because she does home tutoring for kids that need extra help in school which basically she could do anywhere. Yes, that means a bunch of high school kids will be in and out of my house.
"Need help, kiddo?" My mom asked as I continue to fold my clothes into my drawers and hang shirts into my closet
"Yes actually, I can't find my bed spread. It isn't in any of my boxes," I reply.
"Well I'll keep an eye out," she says with a warm smile on her face.
I could tell my mom was happy with the move. She really needed the change after everything that happened. Last year she really connected with this girl she was tutoring. They became really close, almost like a second daughter to her. On October 7th she was hit by a car and killed instantly. My mom took it pretty hard. What made it worse it that the accident was everywhere we looked, in newspapers, on t.v, every radio station, and people were always talking about it. In a small town things like that blow way out of proportion. Amanda Adkins was a really popular name for a while but not in the best way. What made it worse is that people at my school pretended to be friends with her after she was killed. Amanda was kinda like me she kept to herself and didn't have a lot of friends. Everyone made her out to be a really popular person with friends and boys knocking her door down, neither which happened. After they way they treated her, I always wonder how would people act if I died? Would they automatically pretend to be my friend even though they don't acknowledge me now? I would hate it if they did that. I would honestly come back in a ghost form of myself to set the record straight that I had never had relationships with these people. Then they could see who the real monsters are, not the mythical creatures they came up with but themselves. It would be a real wake up call wouldn't it be? I am not planning on dying anytime soon but if I did I kinda wouldn't want anyone to know. I honestly don't think anyone would know unless it was a crazy story like I was hung and had no eye balls when they found me. Wouldn't that be a great way to die? I just think people need to not be so fake when things like that happen. If your mean then be mean don't act like your nice then have a different personality later. That is my philosophy on life. I honestly can't think of one person who knew my name at my old school. No one told me bye when I left and I'm okay with that. You know why because I wouldn't want a bunch of people pretending they loved me before I left because they feel guilty. Guilty for never talking to me or acknowledging me at the fact.
"Hey I found your bed sheets!" My mom says rushing in my room.
"Thanks," I say. "We're going to okay here I think. This will be good for us."
"I know sweetie," she says while putting her arm around me. "I know."

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