Chapter Twelve

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"You were right. I haven't had a girlfriend pretty much ever."


"I don't want to go through what you've gone through, or my dad, or your mom. I don't want the heartache you've all suffered."

"But it's all worth it"

"How so?"

"Yeah being cheated on sucks or getting divorced or having your spouse die. But all the good memories like going on dates and kissing makes up for the pain you suffer. Then you want to go back to the good stuff so you move on and find someone else until you don't have to anymore. You found the one"

"But what if I don't find the one"

"You will"

"How do you know that?"

"Cause I believe that everyone has their own happy ending"

We lay there, on my bed, in silence. I have my head placed on his chest and can hear his heart beat getting slower.

"Hey your falling asleep"

"So what if I am?"

I smile, then think about it for a second. "Nothing" I reply closing my eyes too. Within seconds I fall asleep.

*Wednesday Night*

"Will!!" I scold, my cheeks turning bright red.

"Hey you said he's been sneaking over so I just assumed it was to bang."

"No! God Will! It's only been like three days since we started dating! I'm not even his girlfriend!"

"Okay okay my bad."

"You know this is exactly why Jake and I got into an argument."


"Jake and I got into a really big fight. He assumed Dylan was gonna leave me as soon as we fucked. I got offended then said some mean things, then he got offended and wouldn't talk to me for a couple of days. We made up last night though. Then this morning it was as if we were back to normal. He did things to annoy me me, I bickered back, but in the end we'd be fine."

"That's good. So what was Dylan like when you saw him today?"

"Normal. It's not like making out is brand new for us. We play footsie during lunch, I catch him looking at me through out the day, just little things. But if Jake sees any of it he gags."

Will laughs. "Wow so overdramatic"

"I know" I laugh too. "So how are things there?"

"Well, in complete honestly it's very chaotic. Every time me or Alex see Luke, we trip him, which causes him to get up and punch us. But the security cameras only see him fall and then come at us. They can't tell we started the fight so Luke gets detention a lot. He deserves it though. Riley can't stop crying. She misses you so much, we all do, just she can't hide her emotions as well as Alex and me. Alex is constantly busy with Jenna and I'm busy with Emma so Riley is alone a lot."

"Dude don't leave her alone! Go hang out with her! Bring Emma for heaven's sake! Leaving a sad girl alone is bad"

"Crap she's alone now! Emma and I are hanging out. We are going to go see a movie."

"We'll invite her. And Alex too. She needs her friends right now. And you two being so ignorant isn't helping."

"Yeah okay I'll text her now."

"Jeez Will, you used to always know what to do. What happened?"

"I don't know, I guess you moving away threw me off."

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