[2009] [1]

16 2 0

Looking like about 33 for hundreds of years is hard. You need to move quite a lot actually. Even though you can make yourself look older. But then again she would need to fake her death eventually and then move.
Moving it is. Without dying.

Rúna knew that working as a history teacher at a school is hard, especially when you teach also the older grades. But that hard? They are always on their phones. Playing with their iPhone 3GS during class is definitely not something she tolerates. And the kids are getting more and more defiant. And she thought that teaching in the 50's was hard. No. Ok, now she has more things to do and teach. The gdr for example. And the technic is also something good.
And she has her students under her control. Rúna knows that she is the coolest teacher. At least that is what they tell everybody.  And yes, she is aware that she sometimes sounds like an old woman, but theoretically she is.

Taking a last look in her mirror, checking out her appearance, before she needs to go to school. Her reflection is quite nice. Today she wore her black ankle boots and some black jeans that go along with her dark red blouse with little golden ravens. Her golden locks are in a loose bun. On her neck is the necklace her father - Njödr, the god of the wind, sea and fire - got her when she was born. He knew she was special and hired one dwarf to craft this beautiful necklace. It is golden and has a ruby, an emerald, a diamond and sapphire. In the middle there is a pendant in form of a flame.  On her arms are some leather bracelets that have some runes on them.

New York City in the morning is exhausting. Thousands of cars are on the road. People are crossing the street even if it is red, because they are already late to work and some drivers won their license in the lottery, because most of them definitely cannot drive!
But Rúna does not care. She is perhaps the chillest person in the traffic right now. Listening to some old music, even some norwegian and german songs, looking out the windows of her car seeing all those angry people that are honking at the pedestrians and threaten to run them over if they do this again.

7.35 o'clock. She is always early. Why are the others not early as well? They would be less stressed and more chilled. But those humans did not understand this. Ok, maybe the germans. They are always ten minutes early. That is the right way, at least for Rúna.  

Behind her some idiot honks at her. She raises her eyebrows and looks to the man behind her. You could call him handsome, if it weren't for his angry face full of wrinkles. He is perhaps in his 30's for gods sake! How can such a face be so destroyed because he looks angry all the time? He is dressed in an expensive looking suit and a diamond watch.
Rúna cannot help herself but laugh at him. Thinks he is better then anyone else on the streets. Without another glance she showed him her middle finger and looked ahead. The traffic lights are still red. This dumbass did not see this, hm?

Still sitting relaxed in her car, Rúna turns up the volume of the radio to listen to some traffic news, while there are still people honking like idiots.
"The traffic in New York City is always a challenge, but right now it is crazier than ever, because there has been an accident on one of the main roads, so it can come to delays. Right now the authorities think that you need to plan in about 15 minutes more."

This day is really beautiful, Rúna thinks sarcastically. Dark clouds are moving over the city and it does not make the people happy. The starbucks on the corner where she stands is completely filled with people wanting to get their precious morning coffee and the other cafés look the same.

Through the traffic the blonde woman sees a familiar face coming towards her car with a lazy smile, while holding a bag and two coffees. She recognizes Adam the PE teacher at her school. Unlocking her doors she awaits him.

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