[1] Big walls, Porcelain and an Emperor

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[1634, Ming Dynasty, today China]

Rúna sat in her carriage like a noble Lady. She wore a fine dress, lots of jewellery around her arms, neck and on her head. The carriage itself looked fine, like it belongs to someone of a high status, with a driver and two people in the back looking and securing the area. Two white horses, well bred, were pulling it.
Of course with such a carriage there is a high chance that some bandits want to raid this carriage and hold the people hostage, but they should just try, Rúna thought with a slight grin. Nobody can ambush me, even if they are the best of the best. It will always result in death.

The blonde Norse was on her way to the capital of the Ming Dynasty to live there for preferably some years. But of course, trouble seems to always look for her. And it does find her also.
She heard that during this Dynasty the culture flourishes and lots of temples, bridges and pagodas are build. Of course she wants to see it first hand.  Also people in Japan talk about a big wall that is build as a defense system against them, the Mongols and the Korean. They of course do not find that great but they are certain, that these walls cannot withstand their armies.
Rúna thought of that, and the likeliness of it not withstanding some armies. And the chances were quite high. Money, time, the build itself and other factors are all things to consider before even think about a definitive answer. But only time will and can tell.

It was a great summer morning. The birds were singing, the sun shone through the trees of the woods, making everything look more vibrant and more lively. The horses trottet in sync and nothing has happend. What better way to travel is there? None.
The goddess looked out the window to see beautiful flowers in all sorts of colours and shapes. And through the trees she saw a little river making its way through the woods to reach its final destination, wherever it may be. The blonde woman was quite curious but she could always ask a villager about it. She saw colourful birds sitting on branches, deers wandering over the grass, trying to find something to eat, foxes scampering through all the green. It was a beautiful sight. Like in a painting, she thought before sinking into daydreams.

After about two hours in the carriage after the beautiful scenery, Rúna saw high walls with gates in them were lots of people got in and out. Carriages were driving through the town, trying to avoid the people that were walking in the way. The Capital. They have finally reached their goal!
The people outside the gates were looking at her carriage with interest and wide eyes. They have only seen carriages this beautiful when the emperor had some high nobles over and threw a party. But he never said a word about awaiting another guest, so this arrival was strange. Rúna knew this. She was no royal or noble. And the emperor certainly did not know about her coming to this town for a while. No one except her companions knew.

People followed her carriage with great interest to her new home. A big house in a traditional chinese style, which was quite expensive. It was a bit more outside of the town, in the green, like real nobles would live. It had a big garden, perfectly trimmed with a little lake, lots of trees and some colourful flowers. All in all it was the perfect space to enjoy life and start some new adventures.
If she was honest; she really missed adventures and great stories she could tell. The last big one was in Egypt and all the little adventures after it, were just little ones, not really worthy to be told to impress someone. Not even worthy enough to be written down in her books. Most of these adventures she had forgot after some years, maximum decades.

But now. Now she had her new great adventure right in front of her! China. She never in her years alive visited China, so now it is time.

The plans are simple:
First. Get into the new house and explore.
Second. Go to the little library and try to read chinese history. If this plan is not working, get one of your chinese companions to translate it to you.
Third. Meet new interesting companions in the town, because they might be needed.
Fourth. Visit the emperor and talk to him.
Fifth. Build a porcelain factory with his help and get the best workers in it. Of course they get good money.
Sixth. Visit the great wall. Preferably with the emperor, because that will give some bonuses.
Seventh. Wait for a great new adventure.

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