Chapter 1

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Kelsey's POV

As the metal roof lifted, my senses returned and I ushered myself to the back of the enclosed space. My hand skimmed something sharp, and a quick glance showed a small knife which I snatched up as my back hit the corner. All I could see from where I was, was a dull blue sky no clouds, and a hint of sunlight, casting orange through the sky. 

The air smelt like a mixture of sweat, animals and musty grass but I didn't complain. 

Panting in fear, I hid the knife as a face peered over the barrier walls. '' What the bloody.... '' his thick, strange voice came through, a different story than his skinny frame with blonde hair. " Alby, it's a girl. '' 

At those words, more faces peered over, until there were around 20 people gawking at me. What my luck, all were boys too. The guy who first appeared slowly hopped into the box with me, and catcalls errupted, people yelling things like " I dibs! " and other things like " She can sleep with me tonight! " 

The weedy blonde boy slowly took steps to me, and I stood up hastily, trembling. He took another step, too close for comfort. I raised my right arm, revealing the knife, and a look of shock crossed the boys face. 

" Who... who are you? " I tried my hardest to make my voice sound like I was confident and sure, but deep down I felt like I could faint from all this fear. 

" Newt. My names Newt. What's your na- '' I cut him off with a short, barking laugh.

" Newt? What kind of a name is that? " I snorted mocking the boy. It just felt natural. 

The boy's face showed displeasure at his name being mocked, but it quickly vanished and he continued. " Do you know your name? " he asked, not even worried about the knife that trembled with my hands.

" My na.. '' I stopped, lowering my arm and looking at Newt suddenly, anger flared up in me. I didn't know my name! " My name is none of your business. " 

Newt took this as a chance, and moved quickly. He grasped my wrists, and knocked the blade from my hand. When I yelled at him for touching me, he only tightened his grip and tried to look me dead in the eyes. " It's okay if you don't know your name, it will come back to you. '' 

" I know my name! " I snarled, anger flaring once more. As the boy tried to pry my name from me, I launched a foot at his knee cap, making him stumble backwards, and release his grip.t this point, more cat calls had errupted, and I even heard one voice saying " She's fiesty, it'll be great tonight. '' 

That blew me over the top. 

While attention was on this Newt boy, I edged towards the knife and picked it up, knowing my first victim. I pocketed the knife, and cleared my throat " Now, if you'd like to be of some use, I'd like to get out of this metal thing. " Newt had by then stood up and motioned for a rope to be lowered down. Without saying another word, I rammed my foot in the loop at the bottom, and waited to be lifted up. 

Within a few seconds, I was up, and I swallowed my fear. A quick survey of my surroundings, and I tackled the boy who'd mentioned me in bed with him only minutes ago. I sat on him, pinning his legs by his side with my knees, and had the knife up to his throat with trembling hands. " Say it again, I dare you. '' I sneered.

A few snickers came from around and one boy whispered " Gally down, I repeat: Gally down. '' 

Ignoring the words, I steadied my breathing and removed myself from on top of the boy I'd threatened without hesitation. Kelsey. My name was Kelsey? Kicking him purposely as I stepped over him, I turned to face all of the boys.  " The name's Kelsey. If any of you creeps dare follow me I won't hesitate to rip your nuts off. '' 

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