Chapter 2

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Dakota's POV

As I sat down in English class I pulled out a pen and started doodling on the outside of my notebook; my teacher always took a while to get started. after a few minutes of mindless scribbling, the person next to me leaned over and asked, "who's Alex? I thought you were dating a guy named Josh." startled, I looked down at what i was writing and saw "Alex" with little hearts written all over the front of my notebook. shit, I mumbled to myself. "oh uh, no one. I am dating Josh, Alex is just this celebrity I have a crush on. don't worry about it." I quickly turned it over and started busying myself with something else. the girl who had just spoke to me was the biggest gossip in the school. I'm sure she'd fine some way to start a rumor about that. I mentally kicked myself. I needed to be more careful. it's a good thing she had one of those unisex names, otherwise I'd be screwed by now.

class finally started and I tried to force myself to pay attention to the lecture. if I didn't I knew I'd end up daydreaming about Alex or worse, writing her name subconsciously all over my belongings again. it wasn't too hard because English was my favorite subject. my biggest passion after music had always been writing. poetry, novels, short stories, you name it. and spelling and vocabulary for that matter.

I wad excited because today we got to start reading Romeo and Juliet. ah, I loved that story:)

I was listening intently and actually was a bit disappointed when the bell rang. as I was gathering up all my things, a pair of scissors fell out of my pencil pouch and onto the floor. I was just about to bend down and pick them up when an ugly gooe came and kicked them out of my reach.

"nice scissors, Striker. they what you use to cut yourself with? huh, emo?"

I stood up slowly to face my antagonizer. there stood Brutus Stevenson, the biggest idiot bully ever to step foot in this school. I gave him my best death glare, which usually worked ok anyone, especially with my dyed black hair and heavy eyeliner. he shrinked away a little and I walked over to pick up my scissors. I put then back in my bookbag and gave Brutus the finger as I walked out of the room.

stuff like that never really phased me. I got made fun of about my "emo-ness" almost every day. but I couldn't care less. I liked the way I dressed and I wasn't gonna change for anyone, especially a douchebag.

I looked down at my outfit today. tight Paramore shirt and a black hoodie, acid wash skinny jeans, a studded belt and black vans. with rainbow laces to top it off (just my way of showing off a little gay pride inconspicuously).

yes, I did look like an emotard. but who cares? I looked good in that kind of stuff. so if people wanted to tease me for it, so be it. they're just jealous of how well I can pull it off.

as I went to put my books back in my locker I snuck a peak at Alex over at hers, as I usually did between every class. I felt my stomach clench up at the sight I was greeted with.

there stood Sam, her biggest admirer, handing her what looked like about 50 roses and a fancy pants card. she smiled up at him and I felt a sharp pang of jealousy surge through me when he picked up her hand and kissed it. psh. trying to be romantic r something? what a loser. gah, I hated him.

I slammed my locker a little harder than usual and hoped Alex didn't notice. when Sam walked away I approached her

"what was that all about?" I asked, not bothering to hide my disgust. she knew well how much I despised him, she just didn't exactly know why.

"ya know you should really go easier on him, Kota. he's a nice guy."

"he's not a nice guy, Alex, he's a loser. and besides, he's too old for you. you could do so much better." *yeah, with me..*

"I guess so." she looked down at her feet. for a moment I thought I noticed something that could only be interpreted as longing in her eyes. curiosity flooded me. what was she longing for?

"hey." I put two fingers under her chin and brought her face back up to look at me. "I'm just looking out for you, babe. you know I love you, right?" *if you only knew how much...

she smiled and my whole world became alright. "I know. I love you too."

I giggled and took a chance as I leaned I'm to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. I looked at her and wondered if I had gone too far. what was that I noticed? was

she blushing? yeah, she was. well that's weird.

"I'll see you in math, ok?"

"ok." she smiled again at me, still blushing. I walked around the corner and up the stairs to my next class, wondering what was with her.

Alex's POV

I spent history thinking about Dakota, as I usually spent most of my time. watching her with Josh was constant torture on my soul. I know I'm a drama queen, but seriously. I loved her so much. I just wished I could tell her how I really felt.

the bell signaling the end of first period rang and I walked back downstairs to my locker. midway through grabbing the books for my next class, I felt someone approach me.

"happy valentines day."

I looked up to see Sam Jacobs standing before me, grinning from ear to ear with a huge bouquet of roses and a card in his hands.

Sam was a senior. he was cute. and he wasn't unpopular. you'd think I'd be all over him what with me being only a freshman and him actually showing interest in me. but eh, I pretty much just went along with him for the hell of it. He was a perfect example of a guy trying to get in my pants.

"Awh. thanks Sam. they're beautiful." I took the roses and gave them a sniff along with a smile for good measure before putting them in my locker. he put the card in my one hand while bringing the other up to his lips to kiss it, all romantic-like I suppose. whatever.

as he began to walk away I noticed Dakota a few yards away, looking at me. she was frowning and she slammed her locker a bit violently. I thought this was a bit strange. I mean, I knew she didn't like Sam, but she didn't have to get all hot and bothered just because he gave me flowers.

she started to walk over to me and I felt my pulse accelerate. *you're so stupid, Alex. she's walked up to you 7 billion times and you still have to get all nervous every time she does it.*

"what was that all about?" she asked, obviously disgusted.

"ya know you should really go easier on him, Kota. he's a nice guy."

"he's not a nice guy, Alex, he's a loser. and besides, he's too old for you. you could do so much better."

if only she knew how bad I wish I COULD do better. with the only person I wanted to be with.

"I guess so." I looked down at the floor.

"hey." Dakota put her hand under my chin and brought my face back up, looking deep into my eyes. my heart jumped into my throat. "I'm just looking out for you

babe. you know I love you, right?"

I had to hold back tears, but I couldt help smiling at her. "I know. I love you too." *if only you knew how much, Kota."

she giggled her adorable little giggle and my heart melted. before I knew it, her lips were on my cheek. I let out a little gasp and felt a deep blush rise in my face.

damn, I thought. I didn't want her to notice that.

"I'll see you in math, ok?" she said.

"ok." I was still smiling; I couldn't help it. as little as that kiss was, it sent my heart into orbit and my mind reeling.

yearning for more than that kiss, I watched the love of my life walk away and around the corner.

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