Chapter 5

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  Dakotas POV

I lost track of the time as I was reveling in the moment that was happening, but it couldn't have been longer than 5 or 10 minutes before a doctor came out to see me. hw wanted to take me back to an examining room and I made Melanie come too. the though of her leaving me now wad somehow very frightening.

sure enough, after the doc x-rayed me and put the sheets up in the light thing, it was obvious that my arm was broken. I had fractured it in two places and would have ro have a cast for 6 weeks.

"Ouch. 6 weeks is a long time." I tried to imagine my life with a cast for that long and it wasn't exactly a pleasant thought.

Melanie whimpered and started apologizing again. I in no way blamed her for anything and wouldn't have changed a single thing that happened. that accident brought me to her. so I had to live with an inconvenience for a few weeks. big whoop.

after the doctor left the room I put a hand on the side of Melanie's face and made her look at me. "Melanie. it's not your fault. Don't be sorry for anything. I'm not sorry this happened. meeting you is worth a hundred broken arms." I smiles but she didn't seem convinced. as I studied her face I was again astounded buy how breathtakingly gorgeous it was. "Cheer up, beautiful." suddenly, before I had a chance to stop myself. I leaned in and kissed her right on the lips. I don't know if she felt it but the moment her lips touched mine I felt fireworks explode. I only held it for a few seconds before I pulled away, half-expecting a slap or at lease some harsh word. Instead, all I saw was a deep blush in her white cheeks and a very surprised expression.

"what did you do that for?"

"thought it might get you to shut up and stop apologizing." I winked and giggled.

she finally grinned at me. "that's better," I said. "you have such a pretty smile."

her eyes locked on mine and I gazed into them for what felt like an eternity, losing myself completely. I stroked the side of her face and neither of us broke eye contact until finally the doctor walked back in, and our moment of magic had to end.

the doctor wanted me to let my parents know where I was and what had happened, and asked me if I had a cell phone I could use to call them. I had actually completely forgot about my parents. I had pretty much forgotten about everything but Melanie at that point. when I returned to reality and remembered my parents, I realized that by now they were probably ready to have a heart attack.

I had to borrow melanie's phone as I didn't have one of my own. maybe now they would listen when I told them I needed one.

I dialed my dad's cell number. "hello??" his voice was frantic.

"hi, Dad."

"Dakota! where in the world have you been? your mother and I were about ready to call the police!"

"yeah well I told you I needed my own cell phone. if I had one we wouldn't have this problem."

"that is not what we're talking about here, young lady. now tell me what's going on."

"it's no biggie, Dad, just calm down. I was in a bit of an accidny on my bike on the way home. a nice girl I met drove me to the hospital. I have a broken arm."

I figured "a nice girl I met" sounded better than "the nice girl that ran me over."

"oh my gosh! ok dakota. stay put and we'll be right over."

my dad clicked off the phone and and I could just see the image of chaos that would be my house right now. my parents were such worrywarts.

I sighed and and handed Melanie her phone back. "they're on their way."

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