Chapter 3

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"So are you sure this is the direction you want to go?" asked Glassman for confirmation.

"100%," said Lim, "I've already filled out the questionnaire for living donation, I have an appointment scheduled with my PCP tomorrow afternoon, and Dr. Murphy and Dr. Andrews agreed to assist with the MRI, the EKG, and the ultrasound. I was planning on talking to Dr. Andrews after I left here and get the blood work done."

"Okay," Glassman said, "But, I want to ask you before you get overwhelmed with testing and appointments do you have someone to care for you after the surgery?"

Lim sighed and said, "Not yet. But I will figure out someone who can care for me."

Glassman was worried that Lim was rushing into things too quickly, but Neil needed a new liver, and soon, so he wasn't going to argue too much, "Alright."

Lim went back to her office and called Andrews to report to her immediately. Andrews arrived and greeted her, "Dr. Lim."

"Dr. Andrews, please have a seat," Andrews came into the room and sat down in front of her desk. Lim would be lying to herself if she didn't admit it was still awkward that she was suddenly superior to the man whom had been her boss for years.

"You mentioned you needed my assistance on some medical tests. May I ask what for?" questioned Andrews.

"That's what I wanted to discuss with you," said Lim, leaning on her desk, "I'm sure you've heard by now that Dr. Melendez was injured during the earthquake."

"Yes, I did," confirmed Andrews.

"Well, as a result of his injuries, Dr. Melendez needs a liver transplant," said Lim.

Andrews was surprised, "Did you get him listed with UNOS?"

"Yes," answered Lim, "But for now, we're going the living donation root. I'm getting tested to see if I can be Neil's donor," said Lim, "I know there are no guarantees, but there's a high chance I'm a match."

"So that's what all of the tests are for," said Andrews.

Lim nodded, "Dr. Glassman and Dr. Lever are helping to streamline the testing because Dr. Melendez needs a new liver within a week or two. Of course, I will be undergoing major abdominal surgery and will need six to eight weeks to recover. You held my position for many years, and I'd like for you to take on some of my responsibilities while I'm out recovering."

Andrews nodded, "I would be honored, Dr. Lim. And what you're doing for Dr. Melendez is very admirable."

"I'm not doing it for the glory. I'm going it to save my best friend's life," said Lim, escorting him out of the room, "Now go find Murphy so you can poke and prod me."


Lim spent most of the morning undergoing various procedures required for potential liver donors. She had lab tests taken and a chest X-Ray performed before she was taken to the MRI rooms, "Change into this gown. I will place an IV in your hand, and then I will have you lie down..."

"I know how an MRI works, Murphy," said Lim.

"But it's my job to give all patients instructions and tell them what I'm doing, and right now, you are a patient," said Shaun. Lim decided not to argue with Shaun, because he was following proper procedures. As she was put into the MRI machine, Shaun said, "You are very healthy, Dr. Lim."

"How's my liver look, Murphy?" she asked.

"It looks like an average liver. But it won't after the surgery. Not until it regenerates again," said Shaun.

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