Chapter 8

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On Saturday, Lim was cleared to go home, or in this case, to Melendez's home to continue her recovery. Melendez was sitting up in his chair while he watched Petringa disconnect all of Lim's monitors, "Just think, now you'll have to deal with me without her coming to your rescue," Melendez teased.

"Don't kid yourselves; you both have been stubborn patients," said Petringa as she went to remove Lim's IV.

Once Petringa was finished, she left the room as Glassman came in, "Well, I've signed your discharge papers, Dr. Lim. You know everything involved with recovery from liver donation. Take things slow, don't lift anything over twenty pounds for six weeks, don't drive or operate heavy machinery if you've taken pains meds..."

"No riding the Ducati," Melendez butted into the conversation.

"Definitely no Ducatis," Glassman placated amusingly, "Take your medication as directed. Don't wait until you're in pain," Glassman emphasized, "Don't take a bath for two weeks, showers only. Monitor your incision for signs of infection. In a week, you'll have a blood test to check liver function. And no alcoholic beverages for six months But I expect you to make a full recovery."

"Thank you, Dr. Glassman," Lim took the forms and prescription. Petringa came with a wheelchair and Lim slowly stood. She walked over to Melendez and said, "I'll see you in a few days. I love you."

"I love you too," he smiled.

She gently leaned over to kiss him before sitting down in the wheelchair. They stopped by the hospital pharmacy to fulfill the prescription before Lim was wheeled to the front entrance. Maria was waiting for her there. Maria helped Lim into the car, and soon, they were on their way, "I can't thank you enough for taking care of me," said Lim to Maria, "I really appreciate it."

"Audrey, there's no need to keep thanking me," said Maria.

"I know, but I'm usually so independent that it feels awkward for me to ask for help, let alone have my on-again/off-again boyfriend's parents care for me," admitted Lim, "You must think I'm acting like an indecisive teenager with this whole breaking up and getting back together scenario."

"No, sometimes absence makes the heart grow fonder," said Maria.

"That's about the most cliché line someone can use," said Lim.

"But sometimes, it's the truth," said Maria.

They arrived home and Maria helped Lim into the house and up the stairs, "Is there anything else you need, dear?"

"I'll probably take a shower, so it would a good idea for you to stay on this floor in case I need assistance," said Lim.

"Alright, I'll be setting up Neil's room if you need me," said Maria.

Lim went towards the bathroom and closed the door. As she undressed, she looked down at the fresh scar on her abdomen still covered in steri strips. Neil would have a matching one, hopefully one that went well with his tattoos. She didn't know why, but somehow, this scar made her realize that they were going to make it work. If she ever felt doubt about their relationship again, all she had to do was look down and think about the scar, the reminder of how she had almost lost him and how they were being given a second chance.

After showering, she changed into a fresh set of sweat pants and a t-shirt and Maria helped her into bed, "You know I'm supposed to be walking; I don't have to be an invalid."

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