Chapter 6

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Melendez hesitantly opened his eyes, and as he did so, the bright lights and beeping noises slowly brought him back to reality. He blinked a few times before his eyes focused on the other people in the room. Andrews and Park were standing at the foot of the bed, so Melendez asked, "How did everything go?"

"You have a new liver, if that's what you're asking," said Andrews, "Surgery went well, there were no complications. You'll have to have your blood tested every few hours for the next several days to make sure the new liver is functioning properly."

"You mean Audrey's liver?" Melendez asked jokingly.

"It's yours now," Park smiled back.

Melendez nodded, "And Audrey?"

"Dr. Glassman and Dr. Murphy told me everything went smoothly. And she's awake. We've arranged to put you both in the same room once you both are out of the ICU, which should be in another day or two," said Andrews, "Now, there were a few individuals who wanted to see you if you're up for visitors?"

Melendez nodded and Andrews motioned Melendez's family into the room, "Mijo," Maria kissed his cheek.

"Hi Mom," said Melendez groggily.

"Did they put Dr. Audrey's liver in you?" asked Gabi.

Melendez nodded, "They did, amorcita."

"We called Abuelita and Abuelito. They're coming to visit you once you're in a regular room and are allowed to have more than three visitors at a time," said Mateo.

"And who else?" asked Melendez, knowing more relatives than just his grandparents would be coming to visit him.

"We'll see who calls wanting to visit you over the next few days," said Mateo, "But there's still structural damage from the earthquake, so it might be more difficult."

"Of course," said Melendez.

"Well, we're sure you're tired, so we'll let you sleep," said Maria, "We promised to take Gabi out for a special dinner. Te amo, mijo," she kissed his cheek.

"Te amo," said Melendez. Mateo and Gabi kissed his cheeks as well before the three of them left the room. Melendez fell asleep, but was awoken a few hours later when he heard noise in the room. He opened his eyes to find Claire adjusting his IV drip. Once she realized he was awake, she looked over at him and curtly said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I'll leave," she bolted towards the door.

"No, Claire, it's okay," said Melendez.

"Are you sure about that?" quipped Claire.

"Claire, what are you talking about?" asked Melendez in confusion.

Claire pulled up the chair next to Melendez's bed, sat down, and said, "You should know what I'm talking about. Why did you tell me that you loved me when you're still in love with Dr. Lim?"

"Dr. Browne, I just had a new liver put in me six hours ago. Can't this wait for another time?" asked Melendez.

"I poured my heart out to you and you took advantage of me..."

"Claire, I thought I was dying. What the hell was I supposed to do? You were already heartbroken over the fact that I was dying. Was I supposed to break your heart even further by telling you that I don't feel that way about you?"

"So you don't love me," Claire affirmed.

"Claire, you are a kind, intelligent young woman who will be a great surgeon and you deserves love..." Melendez said.

"There you go again. Playing with my feelings and giving me all of the compliments," said Claire.

"Dammit Claire, just because I compliment you doesn't mean I'm madly in love with you. Do you really think I'm madly in love with Murphy, Reznick, or Park every time I pay one of them a compliment?" Melendez argued.

"Then, what about us going on runs together, out to dinner, going bowling?" questioned Claire.

"Claire, I was trying to be a good friend and mentor. You were devastated over your mother's sudden death and it's my job to make sure my residents are doing well and at the top of their game. You were clearly not handling it well, so I stepped in to help you get over your grief."

"So you were playing on my feelings and taking advantage of my feelings for you?" asked Claire.

"Would you quit twisting everything I say for your own agenda? If anything, you were taking advantage of my loneliness because you knew how upset I was when Dr. Lim broke up with me. You knew I would want someone to hang with and you used it as an opportunity to try to make me fall in love with you," Claire went to say something, but Melendez interrupted her, "Don't think I haven't noticed you flirting with me for three years now, once while Jessica was even standing next to me, holding my hand. I'm sorry, Claire, but I'm not in love with you."

Claire didn't say anything, but she crossed her arms over her chest and stormed out of the room.


The next day, the doctors and nurses had Melendez and Lim sitting up in chairs, and Lim insisted on having her chair put in Melendez's ICU room so they could talk, "Look who still looks beautiful with only half a liver."

"If that's your attempt at flattery, you really need to up your game," said Lim, "But we both just had organs yanked out of us, and in your case, another one put in, so I can forgive you," the couple sat in comfortable silence before Lim said, "I can't believe you told off Dr. Browne like that."

"You heard?" asked Melendez in surprise.

"For a guy who had just had major abdominal surgery, you were using your diaphragm extremely well," Lim commented.

Melendez turned slightly red and said, "Aud, I'm sorry."

"For what?" asked Lim.

"For telling Claire I loved her," said Melendez.

"No need to apologize. You did the right thing at the time," said Lim.

"You're not mad or jealous?" asked Melendez.

Lim shook her head, "I've known Dr. Browne has had a thing for you from the moment she set foot in St. Bonaventure. It actually made me feel sorry for Jessica when you both were engaged," Lim smiled softly and Melendez smiled back at her, "I've never seen her as a threat, especially given your attending-resident situation, but I knew it was getting worse when Reznick came to me with the favoritism complaint."

"So am I off the hook in regards to favoring Browne?" asked Melendez jokingly.

"Oh no, you definitely favor her, but not in a romantic manner the way she thinks," said Lim.

Melendez sighed and said, "I even tried to address the favoritism complaint by suggesting that we invite all of the residents to go bowling with us, but she quickly shot that idea down and wanted to stage an argument instead. That should've been the first clue that she considered me as more than a friend and mentor. But I was a complete and total idiot when it came to realizing that fact."

Lim smiled and said, "I know. But it's because you always see the best in people," Lim yawned and then groaned in slight pain, "Could you pushing your call button to get one of the nurses in here? I think I'd like to go take a nap now."

"No problem," Melendez did so and Nurse Farrar helped Lim to stand, but not before Lim gave Melendez a kiss goodbye and said, "I love you."

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