gray ► 𝟵𝟱𝟵𝟭𝟴𝗖.

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"felix! lee felix! get your ass downstairs right now." 

a loud voice yelled from the bottom of the staircase. the owner of the voice sounded rather frustrated, maybe because he was indeed, very frustrated. having to repeat the same words over and over for numerous weeks can do that to a person.

"jisung, i told you yesterday. and the day before. and the day before than. and the day before that! i'm busy, ok?!" 

yelled another voice from inside a large, dark room; a few feet away from the upper staircase. the boy upstairs had lost count of how many days he was up in that room, he had reached the point where he hadn't seen natural light in weeks. he has been thriving inside his covers, writing in the darkness of his humble abode.

"you know what? i'm coming up there." replied the loud voice which was now identified as jisung's. he considered himself felix's closest friend, his "honorary" mother if you will. they had known each other from what seemed like birth, and the two have a level of connection that seemed unnatural.

"it's been weeks. and you haven't left that damn room! today is finally it." he grumbled angrily, stomping up the wooden stair case, eyeing the lack of light and warmth when he reached the top. jisung walked down the hallway and came to a closed room; felix's room.

he knocked on the door thrice, making sure to make them prominent taps so that the boy inside couldn't ignore him any longer. four weeks, a whole month he was in there! only the heavens know how he survived that long.

"felix. i'm only going to ask one more time." jisung yelled again when there was no response, giving the door another series of harsh knocks.

"open up right now, or so god help me, i'll break this damn door down!" he swore loudly, crossing his arms loosely as he tapped his foot impatiently in wait.

he heard the soft creaking of a bed and the sound of sock clad feet hitting the floor from the other side of the door, making him click his tongue in triumph. the sound of clothed feet shuffling against the wood floor became more prominent, until the silhouette came to the door and twisted the door knob open.

the door creaked open an inch, and felix peeked out with his right eye to see jisung glaring right at him. rolling his eyes, he was about to close the door again, groaning softly when the boy on the outside held it open with his arm.

"that's it, you're out of bed. now get out of that wretched room, now." jisung said firmly, glaring daggers at felix who was trying to hide behind the door, covered from head to toe in a large, gray quilt.

"why are you always breaking into my house, jisung? come on! i already told you." he groaned softly, cracking the door open a few inches more so that a fraction of his blanket tucked body could be seen. you could see the protrusive dark circles underneath the boy's dimmed brown eyes, the pasty paleness of his once milky skin now more prominent than ever.

"my deadline is in less than three months! if i don't have the book finished in the next twelve or so weeks, my publisher is going to ditch me!" felix whispered, the frantic tone in his voice evident. he wrapped the speckled gray blanket tighter around himself, the thought of his book being vetoed shaking him immensely.

"if the book isn't good, they'll scrap it! zilch, zip, nothing! i'll be nothing jisung!" he whimpered out helplessly, leaning against the doorframe and tucking himself as deep as he could in his thick serape. he hoped deep inside him that somehow his quilt would swallow him whole and get rid of his writer's block.

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