cornflower ► 𝟵𝗔𝗖𝗘𝗘𝗕.

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felix breathed in a whiff of fresh air, letting the soft breeze hit his face.

he had started to slowly shuffle his way around the voluptuous fair. it was quite amazing really, there was such a variety of different sights. he walked down a section of the fair where they were blowing glass, smiling at the sight but not interested enough to stop. the streets were full of action and people, surely he would find something!

he saw a balloon animal booth, a raw seafood booth, a man continuously spinning by the tip of his unicycle, even a horse cosplayed as a unicorn! but even after an hour of skipping around and looking at sights, he still didn't find anything that sparked even the slightest impulse he was looking for.

felix puffed up his cheeks, sighing loudly as he walked with dragged steps, stopping at a food stand to get a bowl of spicy rice cakes. he stuffed his mouth full of the spicy cakes, chewing harshly as he walked mindlessly without caring to look for a destination.

he knew that coming here would do him no good, he knew that he should have just stayed inside his little cocoon of blankets and quilts. he chewed angrily and stared down a the ground, his cheeks bulging with the amount of food he put in it.

felix was just about to turn around and call jisung, going to tell him that he was going home. but suddenly, he looked up. he looked around and widened his eyes when he realized he had walked out of the fair and onto the residential streets.

felix groaned at his stupidity, realizing that in his anger he had walked god knows how far. he took a glance around his surroundings, chewing softly as he found himself in a street that had nothing but closed down stores and broken down buildings.

he slowly walked down the deserted street, swallowing the food in his mouth and looking around with sad eyes to see the torn down shops and houses. it always made his mood drop when he saw things that have so much potential... just drop to dust and become nothing.

he was so sure that there wasn't anything bright in this street at all! but that was when he caught a glimpse of a bright banner at the edge of the street.

"i wonder what that could be..." he whispered to himself, ditching his bowl of rice cakes to jog at a steady pace to the end of the road.

he found himself face to face with what seemed like a small shop, the banner atop it reading:

"hué : pallide"

you could say he was interested, because felix was indeed, quite interested. the shop looked plain from the outside, having virtually no color whatsoever. but the sign, the name of the store... oh it was just begging for another look.

he cautiously walked to the door of the small shop, gently pushing it open and walking in, a small bell ringing when the door was opened.

and he was blown away.

the inside of the shop was so... boom! there were brightly colored paintings layering the walls, each portraying such abstract imagination and still life. there was soft music playing in the background. there were paintings on display on large easels, showing such brilliant intricacy that felix questioned if it was done by a person or not.

from the ceilings hung soft white lights, encasing the entirety of the small shop in a soft, filling glow. the floors were marbled and painted in a way so that it seemed there was wet paint on the floor, but in reality it was just artistry, brilliant artistry.

felix was mystified, absolutely mystified. he could not stop looking around, not believing what he was seeing with his own two eyes. that was until, he spotted a man in the corner of the shop.

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