blue bell ► 𝗔𝗗𝗔𝗗𝗗𝟲.

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felix made himself comfortable on chan's couch, making an entire new document. the sounds of curtains being drawn down and the clicks of chan's shoes gave him a sense of scenery... and with everything in mind, he started to type on a completely new story idea; either his best or worst decision. his fingers rested softly on the keys and started to click away delicately, and felix watched as the words slowly started to form letter by letter— click by click.

once all the curtains in the store dropped, the bright ceiling lights also went at a rest; leaving the entire store dark. for the moment, the only thing that illuminated the store was the light on felix's laptop.

he could hear chan pacing back to where the younger boy sat, walking past the couch where felix was seated and going to turn on the cylindrical lamp behind the two. with a small flick of a switch being clicked on, the small area where the two men were seated was filled with a soft yellow glow.

"this is nice, it feels so warm. your store is literally the only place where i can seem to write." felix sighed out, taking off his shoes and pulling his purple socked feet up to rest underneath him. he liked how the warm glow of the lamp look against everything in the store. it was mostly dark, but the small lamp gave off the most beautiful glow.

"write you say? write what?" chan asked curiously, leaning back up from the lamp and going to seat himself at his easel. felix hadn't told chan that he was an author, but then again, the elder had just found out his name today! they would get there.

"yeah! i'm an author— well, going to be an author. i need to finish up this book by the next two months... and your store really just gives me such a strong feeling." felix answered evenly, crossing his legs and continuing to type away. he was quite encased within what he was writing, it was as if the words just wanted to flow on their own.

"what's your story about?" chan murmured as he grabbed an off-white crayon. he would use it for the edges of his canvas. his painting was almost complete, he just needed to add on a few flourishes and shading to really bring it to life.

"would you judge me if i told you... i'm not actually sure?" felix laughed out uneasily, typing in the last words of the current sentence he was writing and enclosing it with a period. he looked up then to see chan's already waiting gaze, crayon in hand and arm rested against the edge of the easel.

"no, no of course not! tell me more, please. i'm honestly just really curious." chan urged on lightly, genuinely interested on what felix meant. even when he drew, he always had a vision inside his head of what the final product would be. he had imagined it would be the same for writing, but here was felix— telling him that he didn't even know where his book was going.

"i'm not sure how to explain it, but i'll try my best to i guess?" felix questioned, earning a eager nod from chan. leaning just the slightest bit forward, the younger male rested his chin upon his two hands and started to think about how to word his rather strange impulse.

"so i don't know if this is for all other writers, but for me, i just write what my hand tells me to— if that makes any sense at all. i j-just—  i just get this pull on my fingers telling me to type this scenario, or type that sentence!" felix started, making sure to pause and take a quick glance at chan to make sure the elder didn't think he was insane. but much in the opposite, chan's gaze on him hadn't faltered. instead, the man was nodding for him to continue.

"sometimes if i'm sad, i'll be able to write just pages and pages of pure bloody angst. it seems to fall from from my fingertips in a way so that i don't even think about what i'm writing. and other times, i'll just get a random burst of creative impulse which will lead me to write and think of the most genius things! oh i must have countless drafts of just the most random things on my laptop." felix's speech started to become faster the more he talked, because writing really was something he was passionate about.

chan watched with amused and wonder filled eyes as felix moved his hands around and spoke almost too quickly. but he didn't think the boy was bonkers, no. it was the other way around, because chan was absolutely mesmerized by how this boy talked about writing as if it were abstract art.

and maybe it was. just maybe.

"oh sorry, am i talking too much? it's just that i never really talk to anyone about things like this and now that i can— it's nice." the younger lilac hair boy felt his face flush softly at his chan was staring at him, a look of wonder and a look that just help plain mystery. what was he thinking?

"do you think... i can look at some of these drafts you wrote?" chan asked hesitantly, tilting his head and scratching the bottom of his lip lightly. he was absolutely mystified by this boy's absolute passion in writing. chan had read countless books by many authors, he had read books of all types of genres. but he needed to know; how did this particular boy write?

"i uh, s-sure! i have a lot of drafts and short stories i wrote. they're not that good though, they were just things i did in my free time." the lilac haired boy stuttered nervously, silently beckoning chan over with a wave of his hand so that the elder could take a look at what was on his laptop.

the broad male stood and got up from his chair at his easel, and going to slowly sit next to felix on the couch. he made sure to leave a few inches between them, sitting only as close at he absolutely had to so he could view the screen of the laptop.

"so u-um, what d-do you wanna see?" felix continued, unintentionally stuttering and fumbling up his words. he didn't mean it, but this was actually the first time he had ever shown anyone his writing- other than his publisher of course.

not even jisung had seen any of his writing, and at the maximum, he had probably only seen a brainstorm.

"hey hey, no need to be nervous. i'm sure you're beautifully talented, it's only to be expected considering your passion." chan said to the boy reassuringly, patting him lightly on the shoulder by the means of calming him down some sort. chan would  have told the boy he didn't have to show him the writing if he wasn't comfortable— but he was absolutely dying to see it. he didn't want to opportunity to slip by.

"so here are all my drafts and short stories i've written. the ones with checkmarks next to them are the ones that are finished, and the others are all either just random drabbles or unfinished bits and pieces. you should feel honored seeing this— my mother hasn't even." felix giggled the last part out, feeling pleased that he had calmed down enough to joke around. usually when he got really nervous he would have breathing problems; but just the intimacy of the store with himself made it really hard for him to panic.

"you can scroll through the titles and click on one if you want... but ask me before you click on one." felix said to chan, poking him on the side to make sure he understood. with the utmost care, felix gingerly place his prized laptop onto chan's lap. if he drops it i'll cry and hit him.

"can i click on this one?" chan asked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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