periwinkle ► 𝗖𝟱𝗗𝟬𝗘𝟲.

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you could say lee felix was now completely unrecognizable.

after jisung had basically dragged him to take a shower and use his body scrub, the boy felt much more fresh and exuberant. the hot water and soap felt like heaven against his dry and discolored body. all the sticky and chapped skin cells were washed away. after even more coaxing and chiding, he had shaved his much overdue legs and limbs. 

he had scrubbed his face with his mint coconut cleanser, the layers of soap slowly dissolving the layers of oil and dead skin build up which covered his doll like face. after intense lathering and scrubbing, the boy's smooth and milky skin was restored.

he had washed his hair with a lime scented cleanser, leaving his lilac hair to stand out with it's light purple hue, having the after scent of light, pleasant citrus. with his hair being restored to its once springy and bouncy state, his bright personality followed. slowly, the well put together and completely stunning lee felix was being brought back.

after about two and a half hours of cleaning and scrubbing, felix's room was spotless and felix himself was shining. he felt positively amazing, he felt alive. he had forgotten how it felt to be able to walk around and smile brightly, move his limbs ever which way he felt. it was exhilarating to say the least.

now stepping outside of his house for the first time in a month, felix laughed brightly. the tingling afternoon breeze sprinkled around his face, the white glow of the partially cloud covered sun bringing the day a nice, natural cold breeze. the light wind flew through his soft hair, surrounding him in an ethereal setting.

"you know, i never understood why you always insist on wearing pastels." jisung asked curiously, eyeing the clothes felix had decided to wear as felix locked the door of his house. he was clothed in a faint periwinkle t-shirt, and off white shorts with bright white sneakers. for someone who has spent his days locked in his room... well it wasn't expected, was it?

"you know... i don't understand either." felix laughed, smiling brightly as he pulled jisung to walk faster. he wanted to get to the fair early, it would give him optimum time to explore and maybe find something. anything really, just something to give him that impulse, that pull he was looking for. he would know it when he saw it.

the two more or so walked in silence, due to felix skipping and jumping along the path, looking all around himself. he took time to admire the gravel on the sidewalk, giggling at how it crunched beneath his feet. he looked at the random patches of green earth growing on the road, taking time to stop and gingerly capture a ladybug that he found on one of the grass blades.

"jisung look, it's a ladybug!" he whispered excitedly, showing his friend the insect that was walking minuscule lengths upon the palm of his hand. jisung rolled his eyes and poked felix in the side of his head, smiling at the boy's childishness.

"yes felix... a ladybug. an insect. amazing." he said sarcastically, clapping his handing in a mock applause. felix merely brushed off the sarcasm and continued to stare at the red and black insect in his hand, lifting his other hand to lightly cup over it so it didn't fly away.

"you know... when i was little, mom always told me that if i wished on a ladybug, then my wish would come true." he whispered to jisung, memories of his childhood coming over to make him smile in nostalgia. jisung's eyes softened when felix brought up memories with his mother. the boy had always been close with his parents, it was hard for him to venture out and start a life on his own.

"then why don't you make a wish?" jisung said to him softly, smiling to himself when felix delicately closed his eyes and brought up his hands, which held the ladybug, close to his chest.

after a moment, he opened his eyes again, a new found light within them— stars, if you will. felix opened up his palm, the rested insect on his palm seeming to be at peace in his hand. right when the rays of the faint sun hit the ladybug, it flew away. 

"what was your wish?" jisung asked curiously when the boy didn't volunteer the information on his own, walking down the road with felix who seemed to be even more so bright now. he looked and jisung and smiled widely, showing off his pearlescent white teeth. he could put the lights to shame.

"mom told me if i tell anyone, the wish wouldn't come true. she said only to reveal it when what i wish for had already happened." felix said to him, making jisung shake his head and chuckle.

"you really do love your mom, huh?" he asked, amused as he watched the boy twirl and skip along the sidewalk. he loved hearing the bells of delicate laughter emerge from the younger's beautiful face.

"of course i do! she's always the one i can tell anything to... and i don't know jisung. but she's someone who i can trust and love with my entire life. she's just so supportive and, just— i love my mom."

felix looked up at the periwinkle tinted sky, smiling up at it. he felt hopeful today. really hopeful.

"ok, so do you all want to split into pairs or stay as an entire group?" hyunjin asked the small crowd of people there. jisung and felix had arrived at the fair, their friends already waiting there. they were surprised to see felix walking next to jisung, and of course had immediately went to tackle him in what was a big, warm embrace. they hadn't seen the small author in weeks!

well, jeongin hit him and yelled at him for being less than smart and trapping himself in his house... but other than that it was warm.

after small talk and small laughs, the group of jubilant friends decided it was time to see what this fair had to offer. felix was already turning around in his place to get a good glance at what was happening around him, eager to move and look around more.

"i think pairs would be better." said seungmin, eyeing the proximity of the fair and deciding for the group. "it would be hard for a group of five people to maneuver around in this packed place."

the group decided unanimously that seungmin was right, the five automatically going into pairings... until realizing a second too late that they were an odd number of people.

"i was already planning on walking around by myself, so it's ok guys!" felix said reassuringly to his four friends. jisung however, still didn't want to agree.

"are you sure? you could come along with me and jeongin, or with seungmin and hyunj—"

"i'm sure, ok? besides, it would be good to be alone while i try to gather my thoughts for my book." felix said softly, smiling at jisung who very reluctantly agreed.

"stay safe, okay? let's all meet back here in... three hours. five pm, got it?" seungmin said, the rest nodding and finally venturing off in their own directions. 

felix twirled around in his spot, smiling at all the fun things he saw around him. 

maybe today was the day his writer's block would finally end.


yay! i made this chapter shorter at about 1,300 words. still not as short as i wanted them to be... but oh well.

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