road trip

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Car sex *wonk*
Dave gets ridden
AU where the game never happened

"Dave, when you said we'd take a trip to Texas, I think you failed to mention the fact that we'd be sitting in your shitty car for fucking hours!" Karkat angrily complained from the passenger seat, throwing his hands up in annoyance.

Dave scoffed as he dramatically acted offended, though he kept his eyes on the road as he drove.

"Fuck you, my car is awesome."

Karkat only rolled his eyes in response.

"Oh, and, by the way, it's called a road trip." Dave said while smirking as he heard the other's exasperated sigh.


Karkat forgot about his discomfort rather quickly as Dave turned up the radio, the two doing spectacularly terrible karaoke to their favourite songs. Dave occasionally coming up with sick rhymes about their surroundings while Karkat gave him some ill beats to work with. Just two carefree teens driving down the winding country roads, enjoying each other's company (for the most part).

In the late afternoon, Dave pulled into a rest stop with a fast food joint and grabbed some grub. The boys sat on the trunk and ate, making pleasant conversation as they watched the occasional car pass by and the clouds in the sky overhead.

"Ha ha, oh my god. Karkat, look! That cloud looks like a dick!" Dave burst out laughing.

The troll snorted when he saw the infamous dick-shaped cloud and the two were soon in a fit of giggles.

"Strider, you're such a fucking dork!" Karkat said in between his laughter, tears im the corners of his eyes.

Dave broke out in a grin; his rare, endearing grin that few have had the pleasure of seeing.

"I love you too." He chuckled, leaning in for a kiss which his alien boyfriend happily accepted.

Dave pulled away before things got too heated, planting one more kiss on the troll's nose before whispering,

"Last one in's gotta pay for gas next."

With wide eyes, Karkat watched as Dave hopped off the trunk and he too leapt to the ground, nearly loosing his balance as they ran the short distance to the front doors. Reaching for the the door handle, the black haired boy's mouth hung open in disbelief as he saw the blond through the tinted windows, sitting in his seat and looking back at him with a smirk.

"How the fuck did you get in here so fast?" The troll asked while catching his breath.

"Magic." The human said with his stupid stoic expression as he gave the other a kiss on the cheek.

"Whatever, asshole." Karkat said rolling his eyes, pushing Dave away.

— — —


The driver shot a glance at his whining passenger, who watched him with the look a toddler would give before they beg for a toy.




"Can we stop? It's getting pretty late." Karkat said and continued to drag out his words.

"Psh, yeah right. We both know damn well you're not tired." Dave started, "And besides, unless you're paying, i'm not spending money on a motel or whatever."

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