love bites

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Humanstuck with vampires n stuff idrk
Vampire!Dave gives oral

As if teen angst bullshit wasnt crazy enough, add vampires to the bewildering brew that has now become your life.

If you're being honest, you have no idea when everything started, but it just sorta happened and everyone rolled with it. For the most part, they're harmless; living alongside us as if they never turned. When they get hungry, then we have a problem.

We all know not to be out past dark, having more to fear than missing dumb curfews. Once the sun sets, the streets are crawling with vampires and anyone left outdoors accepts their bloodthirsty fate. You have made it your responsibility to help as many people as you can get to safety each night, mostly because everyone in this godawful town are pussies, and because someone had to do it. Besides your life being on the line every night, you actually like the job. It gives you something to do rather that tossing and turning in bed, waiting for your brain to shut up.

— — —

You begin your walk at sunset, the big ball of gas burns bright, slightly obscured by the buildings as you make your way up and down the desolate streets. After leading a number of idiots back indoors, and scaring off a few newly turned morons, it's nearing 10 pm and you're all tuckered out. Back when shit hit the fan and all this vampire nonsense began, you'd stay out all night, but by now the consequences are obvious and anyone dumb enough to disobey deserves whatever happens.

A few blocks from your house, you break into a jog, clutching the wooden stake in your hoodie pocket. The vampires around here all know who you are and tend to steer clear, but somehow every walk down blood-sucker boulevard is more nerve-racking than the last. Eyes fixed to the floor, you're suddenly startled by a boy running straight towards you. He bumps into you after glancing over his shoulder.

"Shit, sorry dude," he says out of breath, leaning against the brick wall to keep him from collapsing. He's a tall blond with pale peach skin and admittedly, very attractive. However, you found yourself backing away at the sight of his sharp fangs and red rimmed pupils.

"Y-You're a..." You trail off. This motherfucker is a vampire.

"Wha- Oh. Yeah," he said. "You're the one everyone talks about, aren't you?"

"Karkat Vantas." You state your name assertively in case this asshole tries anything funny, your grip still strong on the stake.

"Dave, Dave Strider." He begins to move closer. You hold out your hand in his direction and the sight of your best friend seems to stop him in his tracks.

"Woah, woah, woah, not gonna hurt you man!"

Distant footsteps on the concrete catch his attention and he once again disrespects your personal space, pulling you by the sleeve into the alley with him. You're about to shout a very loud "What the fuck?!", along with many lovely words to describe him, but apparently he notices you about to lose your cool and quickly puts a hand over your mouth. Now you're livid. You bite down on his hand, hard.

"Fuck!" He whisper-shouted, but apparently not quiet enough.

"He's there!" Someone shouts outside the alley and now you really wish you listened to Dave.

Dave holds you close in the middle of the alley, he faces the entrance and you face the dead end. You find yourself relaxing against him.

"Trust me." He says softly, breath hot on your neck. You looked up at Dave, who was bearing his teeth. You both exchanged nods as the plan was put in action.

You could hear a group of people approach the alley, one last glance at Dave and his piercing red eyes tell you to play dead.

"This ones mine." Dave says sternly.

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