1 | Introduction

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     "perfection is found in accepting your imperfections"  -Bridgett Devoue

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"perfection is found in accepting your imperfections"
-Bridgett Devoue

Holly Barber, a Filipino American in Rome,Italy for medications in hope of her to be able to see again, Even in hard times Holly made sure she was still able to be happy .


Holly Barber

"Hey, It's time for a check up hon" My nurse Beth tells me, Beth became a mother to me for months now, where is my mother you may ask? Somewhere in America with American men.

I grabbed my white cane and carefully went out the door, as Beth helped me downstairs I heard chatters of Italian people.

"watch your head" Beth guides me in the car, I was now seated comfortably in a car, the car had a scent of orange air fresheners, ugh those make my head pound.

"I hope you get to see the world again" Beth says in a thick Italian accent. "I hope so too" I smiled, "you know what would be crazy?!?" Beth excitedly says.

"What?" I asked curiously, "if you found l'unico!" Beth cheers. l'unico the one, I sighed at the thought of relationships "they wouldn't want a blind girl".

"Oh come on! You are beautiful! Plus its temporary, you will get surgery and then you will see my pretty face!" Beth jokes, I laugh at her goofiness.

"oh! Were here!" Beth says, I felt the car stop and Beth guides me, as I stepped out the car I smelled the fresh air of Rome, ah, no more orange.

As we walked in the hospital I couldn't help but think of how the world looks now, I have recently finished my therapy on the trauma about the accident.

It was mostly check ups now, or seeing if I could go on surgery now, my thoughts were disrupted by a door opening. "we've been waiting for you holly" Katie, my doctor says.

"Per usual" I say, Beth guides me to a chair for me to sit on. "your eyes are amazingly brown" Katie observes.

I'm guessing she has a light on my eyes right now. Even though I can't see, I let them open hoping that I'll just randomly see again.

"you are perfectly healthy and I see a lot of progress in you Barber, you are very happy now" Katie says.
Katie is an American that moved to Italy for her medical career.

"We have something for you by the way" Katie shuffles around. I heard a door open and some chatting. "oh my" Beth gasps.

"What?" I question. There's a new scent of shampoo?  There was also a lot of shuffling again. "we have a guide dog for you now" Katie says handing me a leash.

a guide dog, this is amazing! "She has been trained to help people with disabilities so you wouldn't have a problem with her" Katie explains.

"What's her name?" I ask. "rosie, she's a golden retriever" Katie says. "You can go exploring now" Beth claps. I pet rosie and felt her wagging her tail.
I can go out on my own now. Maybe find l'unico.

Okay so like i dont know italian
But like  do you guys like it so far?
Im gonna put a lot of effort in this book
So hopefully you guys will enjoy,
I will also update everyday so like yeahhh
Also comment your thoughts :))

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