Chapter One- This is What Makes Me Beautiful

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Ariel's POV

"I want it to say 'This is what makes me beautiful' right here." I say to the tatted up guy behind the counter, pointing to my wrist. "And I want it to be in a pretty, cursive font." I say. The guy has a lingering look on my wrist. Yeah, I don't blame him. The last time I cut was a month ago. I don't like to think about my reasons except that, I guess, things just happen.

"Are you sure that's such a good idea? It's very possible that getting the tattoo will open up one of the-" I cut him off my raising my hand. I'm not ashamed of my cuts but I don't like announcing them either. I mean, there's only two other people in here but I'd rather not be judged for my scars. "I don't care. I'm sure. I pay you and you make the tattoo. That's how it works." I say bluntly. I know that sounds mean. He must think I'm an attention seeking bitch but I'm already doubting this tattoo, I don't need him to keep asking me if I'm sure. I feel like this is the right thing to do. A constant reminder that I shouldn't do it again.

"It's your choice. Here, take a look at the fonts." He hands me a slip of paper with the word 'Tattoo' written over and over in a series of different fonts. I find one that I really like and point it out to him. He nods and takes the paper from me, putting a red star next to the font I chose. I feel like there's so many possibilities, I just want something simple and quick. I already know this is going to hurt. Hurt a lot. "Take a seat and just wait, like, five minutes."

I nod and take a seat next to some curly haired boy. He, unlike me, seems calm. I notice that he has a few tattoos already, he's probably getting inked again or maybe the blondie next to him is. I look at them for only a few seconds before turning away abruptly. I feel like we aren''t supposed to talk. I'm going through emotional turmoil while he's probably going to get something varied between a daisy and a dragon. I've heard tattoos can say a lot about a person. "So you like that song?" The curly haired boy asks me. He hold out his hand. "Harry, by the way." This startles me. I'm so lost in thought and brainstorming that I forgot he was there. I blink at him and finally realize I probably look like a freak.

I ignore his hand and nod politely. "Nice to meet you, Harry. I'm Ariel. What are you talking about?" I ask. I don't hear a song playing anywhere so I dpn't really know what he's refering to. The blonde boy next to him leans in and I give him a look that I'm hoping reads what-are-you-looking-at.

"Niall." He says, as if I was even wondering his name. I nod at him and turn back to the curly haired boy. Oh, right. Harry, I mean.

"The song that you want to get tattooed. You said That's what makes you beautiful, right? It's a lyric from a song. In fact-" I cut him off.

"No. I didn't know that was a song. And my tattoo is going to read This is what makes me beautiful not whatever you said." I roll down my sleeves and try to avoid eye contact with Harry and his friend, Niall. I don't want them to ask why or where I'm getting the tattoo.

"Where is it go-"

"So, what are you two getting?" I ask, hoping to change the subject.

"He's going to get a tattoo that says Made in Ireland." Harry points at his friend and Niall jumps up. I want to laugh at how insulted he looks. He doesn't seem to have tattoos so I guess he's just here to accompany Harry. Obviously they're from the UK, according to their accents. I'm not sure how tattoo parlors work there but I'm almost certain you're not supposed to go with a friend unless you're going to hold their hand. Maybe they're gay. "What?! No! I'm here to be with Harry. He's getting a tattoo on his for head that reads Liar."Niall says teasingly. Yup. Definetely gay.

"Psh. As if. Anyways, I'm getting a tattoo right here," he points to where his heart is. "and it's going to say Fine. on it." He puts his hands down on his lap and gives me a cheesy half smile.

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