Chapter Five- Not Famous, Yes Ariel.

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Hey! I know I'd posted this chapter earlier but I took it down and now it's different! Sorry for the confusion but I explain why I did this on the Author's Note at the end. :) - Lia. ♥


Harry's hand shoots up and points at me. "She could play the bass!" He says.

"Hell no." Paul says abruptly and turns back to face the guys. "Harry, don't you think it'll be a bit odd to have a girl, especially this one, playing at your concerts?"

"No? How would it be- oh! Paul, we didn't sleep together. We met her yesterday and she went skating with us but she fell asleep and we couldn't get her address out of her." Harry explains. Paul lets out a sight and laughs.

"Oh! Thank God. If she was asleep, who changed her into Harry's clothes?" Paul asks, referring obviously to Harry. Ooh. I wanna hear this.

His jaw drops at the accusation and he shakes his head. "Nu- uh! I would never. Nor would I let any of them change her. Eleanor did. I think she's-" Harry looks at Louis and he nods. "She's still sleeping. I mean, if we have a girl here we might as well get her to do that." Harry explains. I sigh so no one can hear me. Thank God. I honestly thought one of those idiots undressed me.

"Oh, okay. So, you're the famous Ariel?" Paul turns to me and smiles. Awh. He looks sort of sweet when he isn't lecturing. Like a dad, almost.

"Not famous, but yes Ariel." I smile. He nods.

"So you can play the bass?" Paul asks reluctantly.

"Erm... I can play the guitar... Is that like the same thing?" I ask nervously. The lads break out laughing and shake they heads. I guess not.

"Wait! Couldn't she take lessons? I mean, I know it's easier to get a replacement but maybe we could punish Sandy by making him give her the lessons! That way Paul is happy because we get to do something mean to Sandy AND we get a new bass player. Plus, Ariel is pretty cool. And she has the same name as the Little Mermaid." Harry offers. It surprises me that literally none of them have turned to ask ne how I feel about this.

"No! Wait yes. Actually, I don't know. Give me a second. I'll call Sandy." Paul pulls out his phone and glances over at me. I don't think he likes me..

"Sandy.... No, I'm not scolding you.... I need you to come here. Lads' hotel.... Yes, The W... Alright... Speak soon." Paul turns to us and smiles, nodding. "Now wait a second, we need to clear things up about Ariel and Harry. If people think they're dating then we will have a huge problem with letting her come on tour."

"I don't understand. Why would people think we're dating? We most certainly did not have a great time last night like the pictures suggest." I say. I see Harry's expression fall. Damnit. Why did I bring up last night? "I mean, it was a good night. Just not all smiles and drinks. I fell a bunch of times... stupid skates haha." I mumble. Harry doesn't look up or even say anything. His lips just curl slightly and Niall elbows him slightly. I see him mouth, 'Are you okay?' and Harry just nods. Great. Now I feel shitty.

"Doesn't matter. But fans tend to jump to conclusions. Haven't you hear of the reputation One Direction fans have? They're supposedly psycho. They're really dedicated though. But still a bit psycho." Paul smirks.

"But anyways, I hope you know we will do a background check on you and ask you some questions. Playing with One Direction is like winning the lottery. Except more impossible. Like, A LOT more impossible. But yeah, don't get uncomfortable if the questions are personal. We don't judge." Paul smiles. Who is 'we'?

"I don't feel comfortable answering personal questions to someone I don't know though." I say sheepishly.

Paul rolls his eyes. "Don't be so difficult! Would you rather one of the lads ask you the questions? You know them better." He fans his hand over the 5 boys and they look a bit puzzled. They quickly collect themselves and they all look at me.

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