Chapter Four- And I Was So Close.

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"Wh-what's going on?" I say, pulling myself up and throwing sheets off me. I'm on a bed. And Louis, Liam (SCORE FOR GETTING HIS NAME RIGHT), and Niall sitting in front of me. "Where's Harry?" I mutter, suddenly remembering our fight.

"So, you just woke up in a stranger's hotel room in an unknown bed with lads you don't know standing in front of you, and your first thought is about Harry? Sketchy." Louis smirks. Oh shut up Louis. You little smart ass.

"Shush, Louis. Harry's making you breakfast. He feels bad about the fight. Oh, and you're in our hotel room. By the way, our manager is coming over in a few minutes. You might want to change..." Niall's voice drifts off as I look down and realize I'm in sweatpants and a worn out Jack Wills purple hoodie. The white bandage is still on my wrist and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Who changed me? Actually, I don't want to know. Erm, why is your manager coming?" I ask, standing up and walking over to the pile where my clothes lays. I sigh when I see that my clothes are dirty and also a bit wet.... Erm, weird. Ew, it even smells like alcohol.

"Our bass player's girlfriend got knocked up and Paul wants to tell us the news that he's quiting. Yet, thanks to twitter, I already know. Wanna know what's trending?" Harry sets a tray of eggs and bacon on my bedside table. "Ariel."

"What?" The four of us say in unison.

"Yup. A-"

"Hey, did you guys see the trend? Ariel and Harry are trending. You guys were spotted yesterday at the parking lot of the skating rink holding hands, or whatever, and everyone's gone mad." Zayn walks in the room and props himself on the bed.

"Oh God... Remember when Niall and A-"

"Louis shut up." Niall says sternly and leaves the room. Shortly after, he comes back carrying a laptop.

"Log in." He hands me the laptop and I hesitate. The second I log in, I gasp at my follows. I gained eight thousand followers... So now I have fourteen thousand followers. Well damn. I go straight to my mentions and see that not a single one doesn't say Harry's name. I open pictures of Harry and I when he held up my hand to reveal the white gauze that the camera didn't capture. There were people watching us? Woah. I see more pictures. Some of my hand on Harry's shoulder and others of him smiling at me. There's one where the angle makes it look like we're kissing. Wait... we didn't kiss did we? Ugh. I doubt it but I'm not sure. There were even a few pictures that were taken inside the rink. Liam and I at the table. Me holding my hand out to help Niall up. Louis and Zayn talking to me... Harry putting his arm around me and smiling when we were at the bar... I hadn't even realised how mean I looked during my argument with Harry until I saw a picture of it.

My face was everywhere and suddenly I was really self concious. I blinked in this picture... I look like a dying porcupine in this one... I look like someone poked my ass with a needle here... And like a total bitch on there. Oh my God. This is such a nightmare.

"Are you okay?" Harry closes the laptop and I flinch at the sudden interruption of my thoughts.

"Y-yeah. I just didn't realize I was going to be the face of twitter for going skating with you guys... And everyone hates me, apparently."

"Ha. They don't hate you. Our fans are.... Pretty much insane. This is one of those phases where they're going to be really mean to you for no reason. In two weeks or by the end of the month it'll be over. That happens. It's pretty crazy and honestly, we have no idea why they're like that. But they're pretty faithful and that's what matters in the end." Zayn says, taking a seat next to me and smiling comfortably. Gah. I want to punch him. He talks so grandfathery.

"Well-" I shut up once I hear that someone's phone goes off. Everyone turns to face Liam and he blushes at his ringtone.... Is that N'sync? Oh my God. "Hold on, let me take this." He mumbles as he pulls his phone out. "It's Paul. I bet he's here. Get her dressed!" Liam hurries out of the room and answers the call.

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