dawn of a new day

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the final boss, joe biden. my whole body shook, i was terrified. i quickly shook my head, now wasnt the time to be scared. i looked at anti and we locked eyes, knowing this could be it for us..

                                                                                     we could die here

"hey" i said with a warm smile, putting my hand on his shoulder. he had tears in his eyes, but smiled nonetheless. "i never liked you" i said. "wait what-" anti started. "shut up ok its now or never you green vomit looking mother fucker youve brought me nothing but pain i hope you both die" i said with courage. anti just kinda accepted it, like yeah man this dude is a gay fuckin demon hes never gonna do anything more than tolerate me. bidens eyes glowed red, his power level surging. the wind in the corridor picked up, i quickly lifted my arm and chainsaw to cover my face. "prepare yourself anti, hes more powerful than anyone we've ever faced" i call out. anti pulled out a massive fucking sword and readied himself. biden let out a menacing laugh, all the glowing energy around him suddenly turning red and shooting out all over the hall, causing pillars to be destroyed in an instance and the floor and ceiling to crack. anti fucking died, he was shot in the face and it was just gone like there was a hole just THERE. "n-no... NO! you killed my bitch..! ill kill you... ILL KILL YOU" i said, eyes glowing red. i was enraged, how dare he kill anti, like yeah i did literally despise everything about him, he was green and fucking stupid looking, but he was... idk man like?? i couldnt think about why i was upset about anti, i just needed to be upset so i could melt joe biden down and turn him into a fucking necklace. i began to levitate off the ground, my power increasing at record speeds. i burst into flames and began to laugh. "whats so funny bitch" joe biden asked. i smirked, i slowly began to look up until my gaze met bidens, i crossed my arms and pulled out a fucking gun. "you're mom" i said before lunging at biden at 10 million mph. he dodged the attack and swung at my back, missing. i was on all fours on the floor while biden towered over me. "ha gay" biden said. i was enraged, how dare biden be homophobic. i grabbed his right ankle and quickly swung my chainsaw arm into it, losing the chainsaw in the process, but swiftly growing a new hand to make up for it. "AW FUCK SHIT PISS" he said in a fit of rage, clutching his ankle and falling to the floor. i stood up and loomed over him, pulling out my gun, it was an exact replica of the gun used by international superstar/hero, killer bean. "how did you get that?" biden said between gritted teeth. "we were just meant to bean" i said, radiating fucking epic swag. i aim my gun at bidens head before he kicked me in the shin, causing me to fall back and him to fly into the air. "did you really think itd be that easy?" biden said with a scoff. "nah i guess not" i said pulling out 27 knifes, throwing them at biden. he dodged them with ease, flying back around to grab me by the throat and pinning me against a pillar. i struggled to breathe, my face turning blue and the life slowly draining from my eyes. joe biden looked terrifying so close up, his skin looked like rubber and his eyes were soulless. i desperately clawed at his hand around my throat, but to no avail. "just give up darkiplier, you stand no chance against me, you'll die here just like your friend" biden said is a mocking tone, knowing hes already won. i was fading, and fast. thoughts were rushing through my head, it cant end like this, it cant end now, theres still so much to do...

                                                                                   i cant die to joe biden

with the last bit of my strength i grabbed at bidens face in an attempt to get him to let go. he immediately jerked his head back, but it was too late, i already had both of my hands locked firmly on either side of his face, trying to crush his skull with all the strength i had left. i thought maybe the reason his skin looked like rubber was due to his age but it also felt like rubber, i began to pull at his skin and it stretched just like a rubber mask would. something was up. in a desperate attempt to get me to let go of his face, biden release my neck, grabbing onto his face, but it only added to his undoing. now with nothing holding me to the pillar, i began to fall to the floor, pulling joes face with me. a sickening elastic sound rang throughout the corridor and i hit the ground with a loud thud, followed by "joe" shrieking and flying behind his throne. "what the..?" i mumbled, my vision hazy. i quickly composed myself the best i could before looking over to what i held in my hand. i screamed in terror. i chucked the item away from me in fear, not being able to process what i was just holding. it... it joe bidens face! or so i thought, but...

                                                                                that wasnt the case

if only it were that simple, but no. upon closer inspection the "face" i held wasnt a face at all, but instead a rubber mask of joe bidens face. "figures" i muttered to myself, i had interacted with a lot of skin and its many textures up until that point and this "skin" was like no other skin i had felt in my life. i shifted my attention to the throne, hearing soft muttering coming from behind it. finally it was time to face off with the true mastermind of this sick twisted power stealing scheme... and also kill mark and jack when i get a chance. i cautiously walked over to the throne, pulling out another one of my killer bean guns and aiming it at the side of the throne. the muttering grew louder and louder, my heart beat pounding in my ears. i was scared. i swallowed my fear and jumped behind the throne, pointing my gun at the mysterious enemy, but they anticipated that i would do that and fucking hit me in the side of the head with a baseball bat, knocking me down. my gaze grew dark and i hit the floor with a thud, but not before i got a look at my attacker. "no" i mumbled out, slowly losing consciousness. "it cant be, we all know you died..." i trailed off before completely blacking out. 

darkiplier fucking murders markiplierWhere stories live. Discover now