Wash my hands

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Wash my hands, of crimes

Pour the water over, my skin, my spine

Cleanse my soul and ease my mind

I've been fixed on all the damage done

Why do I always forget how far I've come?

I'm done dying for the past

I'm done dying for the past

Say all's forgiven now

Let's call it even, shall we?

Given the crushing hug Stefan gives her as soon as she steps out of the car, she thinks that maybe Klaus' joke about her best friend finding some white oak if they'd waited any longer may not have been a joke after all. Chuckling at his behavior as well as at her own happiness at seeing him, she pulls back after a while to see Rebekah rolling her eyes at them. Ignoring her, she focuses back on Stefan. Noting the concerned look he's wearing and suspecting she knows why it's there, she decides to lighten the mood before they have to dive into the heavy stuff.

"Jeez, Stef, I think you broke a rib or two."

"I know it's only been a few weeks, but I missed you. How was Peru?"

She shares a quick, knowing glance with Klaus before answering.

"It was perfect. But that's not what you want to talk about, is it?"

"No," he sighs.

"Come on," she says, motioning for him to follow her back to her room, where they can have some semblance of privacy.

It won't keep the others from hearing their conversation, but it will shield them from their intrusive glares. Once they're both sitting on her bed, Stefan propped up against the headboard and Caroline facing him with her legs crossed and her hands in her lap, she ventures a guess.

"Elena called you."

"She did. She's not too happy with Klaus. Or you."

"I'm shocked," she deadpans. "What did she tell you?"

"Well, not quite sure I got the whole story between the sobs and the cursing, but it seems your boyfriend compelled Damon to stay away from her."

She scrunches her nose at the word boyfriend. It seems rather immature to describe what she has with Klaus, but now is not the time to point this out, especially given that she has no alternative to offer.

"He did. I tried to change his mind, but..."

"But he's a stubborn bastard."

They both hear Klaus' undignified snort at that, shooting the hope that he might not be listening in to hell, and Caroline giggles.


"So he knows. About you and Damon."

Her lighthearted mood instantly forgotten, Caroline tilts her head to the side.

"Kind of. Not the whole thing. But he will. Soon."

"Do I need to prepare for my brother's funeral?"

"No," she promises. "Just keep Elena calm while Klaus and I figure this out, alright? I don't think she wants to talk to me, does she?" Stefan's wince is all the answer she needs and she sighs. "Things were easier when I hated him."

"Things haven't been easy for a while, then, have they?"

She pokes her tongue out at him in retaliation for his perceptiveness, but he just laughs. The sound startles her. She knows Stefan is always on her side, no matter what, knows it with a certainty she wishes she could apply to every single aspect of her life, but she wasn't expecting him to be so... relaxed about things.

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