Jason Foster

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The fight has heated up and Marcus stood and walked outside.

I took a deep breath as I followed him out.

"Hey" I tried to smile.

He turned around and looked at me and smiled.

"Hey" He sighed.

"Are you okay??" I sighed.

"I will be" He smiled.

"I'm sorry about what happened" I sighed.

"Stop worrying about me Jason... How are you holding up??" He sighed.

"Great" I smiled.

"Don't fuck with me Jason.. Someone murdered your dad and butchered your girlfriend.. I'd go crazy if I'm on your shoes Jason" He sighed.

"That's not true" I smiled.

"I mean I almost overdosed on drugs when my mom committed suicide.. Life is such a fucking shithole" He sighed.

"I'm sorry about everything Marcus" I sighed.

"It's okay Jason.. I mean I'm still kinda hurt about what happened.. But you're my brother. And I can't fucking live without you" He smiled.

"Honestly.. I understand if you disown me for being a coward" I sighed.

"Coward?? You're the bravest person I've ever met Jason" He smiled.

"Wait a minute.. Stop making this about me! I'm here to comfort you not the other way around!!.. Stop getting inside my brain" I frowned.

"Part of my charm I guess" He joked.

"Dude if I'm gay I'll literally marry you" I joked.

"Why can't you be gay??" He chuckled.
"Because.. I Love pussy too much" I laughed.

He laughed so hard as he patted my shoulder.

"Thanks man" He smiled.

"Anytime" I smiled back.

"Come on.. Let's head back" He smiled as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder and walked towards Claire's house.

We entered the house and everyone was literally trembling.

Like all of them saw a ghost.

"What's going on??" I asked.

They all took a deep breath and stared at Mike who's lying on the floor with puke and blood beside him.

"What the fuck??" Marcus gasped.

"is He??" I asked.

"Yes he is" Leslie cried.

"How??" I asked.

Everyone looked at the juice and stared at Claire.

"What are you guys staring at??" Claire cried.

"You made the snack didn't you??" Leslie asked.

"Y-yess" Claire started to stutter.

"You poisoned Mike!!" Leslie cried as she pointed at Claire.

"I didn't poisoned him!!!" Claire cried.

"Leslie quit it!! Obviously she's innocent" Maggie frowned.

"How did you know that she isn't guilty??" Leslie asked.

"The girl is clearly scared Leslie stop being a bitch" Maggie rolled her eyes.

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