Marcus Klein

21 0 1

I waited outside the principal's for Jason..

He was interviewed about where he was last night..

Apparently all of us are now suspects.

The seven of us sat on a couch in front of the Principal's office.

"This is bullshit" Roman sighed.

"What do you mean bullshit??" I asked.

"We shouldn't be here okay?!  We should be at the library and start doing our project!" Roman rolled his eyes.

"Roman! Tracey died! Our projects can't bring her back to life!" Claire rolled her eyes.

"She's didn't just died Maggie.. She was murdered!!" Roman frowned.

"So??" I asked him curiosly.

"She was found hanging from a tree" Mike sighed.

"Yeah with the words that said Jack is back or something and it's written in blood" Leslie sighed.

"How would you know that??" I asked.

"Do you guys don't have any twitter??" Leslie frowned.

"Girl butchered.. A Message written in blood?? That screams serial killer to me" Clark sighed.

"Clark only one girl died" I looked at Clark.

"Yeah.. So does the first Jack the Ripper.. Until he's hungry for more" He looked at me and smiled.

Suddenly the opens and Jason walked outside the principal's office.

"Are you okay??" I asked

"Yeah! I'm fine" He tried to smile.

"Let me buy you a coffee??" I asked.

"No.. I just wanna go home" He sighed.

"What about our project??" Mike asked.

"We will do our project tomorrow" Jason sighed.

"Why are you so obsessed with serial killers huh Mike??" I asked.

"I am not obsessed! Our grades depends on it" He frowned.

"Did you start your research already??" Claire asked.

"Yeah a couple of times" Mike smiled.

"Then good! Besides I have watched too many documentaries about Jack the Ripper" Claire sighed.

"I have to go" Jason sighed again.

"I'm coming with you" I smiled at him.
"No.. Not this time" He smiled coldly

"Jason" I sighed.

"It's okay.. How about you guys start with the project already?? I'll just catch up" He smiled.

"Of course" He smiled.

"Can we just get on with it?? I don't really know her that well" Maggie rolled her eyes.

"You're a stone cold bitch" Leslie frowned.

"That's life bitch.. People live and people die.. And I wouldn't waste my time grieving" She rolled her eyes.

"Why are you even in our group??" I asked her.

"Why would you ask me?? I'm not the one who choose this group" She frowned at me.

"Okay guys stop! Let's just calm down okay? Let's just go and make our project" Claire sighed.

"Okay" I nodded agreeing with her.

Jason separated from us and went home while the seven of us walked to the library and started our research.

"So Jack the ripper?? Who do you think is Jack the Ripper??" Claire asked.

"They have many theories and most of them all have possibilities to be true" Roman smiled.

"Hey guys! I'll go to the restroom real quick!" Mike smiled.

"Hurry! You're still gonna help us!" Leslie frowned.

Mike quickly walked out of the library.

"Mike can be weird at times yeah??" I asked.

"At times?? He's really weird" Maggie rolled her eyes.

"Really?? How come??" I asked.

"One time He sneaked inside the girls' locker room and watch Tracey and I get dressed" Maggie  sighed.

"Tracey?? Oh shit I almost forgot you guys were besties or best friends or whatever" I joked.

"Things are more complicated than your immaturity Marcus" Maggie rolled her eyes.

"Guys what if Mike is the Killer??" Clark smiled.

"Why the fuck would he be the killer??" I asked.

"How can you be so sure that the killer is one of us??" Roman asked.

"I was just guessing" Clark smiled.

"Didn't Mommy teach you not to accuse others if there's no strong evidence??" Claire smiled.

"Or maybe you're the killer" Clark smiled and pointed at me.

"Why the fuck would I kill Tracy?? Huh Clark??" I frowned.

"Because you are the perfect killer Marcus!  I mean no one will suspect  you!  You're Jason's best friend!" Clark smiled.

"if I'm the killer Clark I'd kill you first" I joked.

"maybe you're the killer Clark! I mean you're the only one here who's interested with all the killings and who the killer is! So maybe you are" Claire smiled.

Suddenly I feel a liquid drop on my shoulder.

"Is that blood??!!" Leslie freaked out.

"What?!" I panicked.

I looked at my shoulder and it is blood!

suddenly a body fell from the second floor and landed on our tables breaking it apart.

Everyone screamed in terror.

"What the fuck?!" Maggie said as she looked up.

We all looked up and saw a guy in a smiley mask.

He's wearing a black hoodie and I felt like he's staring at us.

We looked at the body and it's Mrs. Blanco our gym teacher.

The guy disappeared  and we quickly called 911.

"Guys I found this" Clark took a deep breath as he showed us a paper from the body.

"What the fuck happened??!!" Mike started to freak out as he saw the body.

"The killer is here.. Where the fuck have you been??" I asked Mike.

"Read the note out loud Clark!" Leslie shouted.

"The fuck??!!  Why me??!!" Clark freaked out.

"Because you found the note" I frowned.

"Give that to me pussy!" Maggie took the paper and opened it.

She took a deep breath as she started to read what's written on the note.

"From Hell..

Greetings researchers! Do you really think you can uncover my identity??  Well.. Here is the bad news.. You won't.. Not until I finish you all one by one! Be prepared! Because this is going to be gory and bloody although very entertaining..

- Jack the Ripper -

Ps: since you won't be able to figure out who I am.. Here's a little clue.. I am one of you.. One this circle"

"What the fuck??!!" Leslie started to cry.

I can the sirens of the ambulance coming.

"The letter said he's one of us.. Then who is it??" Maggie asked.

We took a deep breath as we all stared at Mike.

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