Just Another Day

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It was just another day. I went over to Chip's room and knocked on his door.

"Chip! Come on! It's 9am, time to come out!"

"No! I'm trying to build!"

He is so much like mom. I give up on Chip and walk downstairs. Opening the fridge I see a note.

Make sure to leave the pizza for lunch!
Love Matt

Oh great. Pizza again. My ears flick sensing a sound. Footsteps, no, more like paws. Turning around I see my dog, Bébé. I smile at the small Burmese, my fangs glistening.

"Good morning girl."

I rub the small dog's head, her fur ruffling through my fingers.

"Ready to go outside?"

I get a sweet "ruff" in reply. I nod my head and grab her leash. Clipping it around her coller, I lead her outside. The sun shone brighter this morning, making the trees glow with green. Bébé is already running, pulling me with her.

"Woah girl! Slow down!"

The pup pulls me around the street corner, right into a tall man.

"What an active pup you got there, Sorka."

The man allows Bébé lick his chiseled face.

"Sorry Takashi! She has to much energy so early in the morning."

The former paladin laughs. It warms up anyone who hears it.

"No problem! She is to adorable to be mad at."

With my face burning of embarrassment, I allow Bébé to pull my purple body behind her. All the houses lined up so nicely side by side. A forest lined the left side and the city lined the right. It was home. And I loved it.

Turning back home, I brought Bébé back to her bed. She immediately fell asleep, poor pup. I go back to my garage and grab my hover board. Matt got it for me on my 14th birthday. I slid my foot into the back harness and pushed off the ground.

The board sputtered a small squeak to come to life. I leaned forward and the board followed. I sped on the board all the way into the forest, going as deep as I dared. Going and going until a small house peeled down from a tree. I stuck the board in a slot in the tree then climbed the small ladder hanging down from the base of the house.

The house was small, only large enough to fit Bébé and myself. A few pillows and blankets lined the floor, but the best part was the stack of novels on the left side. I grab the first novel on the pile and settled down to read. The novel was about a young adventure who was never accepted. This one was my favorite!

After I finished the novel, my ears flicked to the mossy forest ground. Peaking my head out the small window on the side, I saw another person wandering around aimlessly.

"Hey down there, do you need help?"

I tried to sound as kind as possible, but one look at my Gulren features and the human scattered.

"Of course."

I pulled my head back in and curled up. I don't know why that effects me like in does. It just hurts when people are afraid of me. I never did anything to them, but the Gulra did.

Hewo! It's Just Me, this is my first book so don't judge it to harshly. I do love criticism, but only constructive.

563 words

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