Episode 1: Fade To Begin...

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?: Trey.....Trey!!! Wake Up!
Trey: In a bit.
?: Wake up! Now!
Trey: Ok mom.. In a bit!
Mom: Tremaine Black, get your black behind out of bed and go to school!!
Trey: *Grunts* Fine, Fine.

(Trey gets out of bed disgruntled, tired, and unenthusiastic.)

(Tremaine Black is a 17 year old boy, standing tall at 5'9. He isn't just a regular teenager either. About 10% of the population can relate to young Trey. Tremaine has a somewhat fit build to his body. He has a medium fade haircut and slightly dark skin. But what is most peculiar about him are his amber orange eyes.)

Trey: Ugh.. School Sucks.
Mom: Get your education, boy.
Dad: Listen to your mother.
Trey: Yes, dad.

(Trey showers, then puts on black shorts that have red and white stripes along the length of them on each side. He puts on a plain white t-shirt with a black zip up hoodie, zipped up halfway, with a fairly large hood. He puts on black and red shoes with black socks.)

Trey: Man...I'm late.
Mom: Don't act like it'll take you long to get there.
Trey: It's across town...
Dad: That's nothing for you. Don't be lazy.
Mom: No one told you to stay up late last night.

(Trey looks at the clock, it reads 09:43 am.)

Mom: Get moving, child. You're an hour late...Again...
Trey: Alright.

(He cracks his neck, steps outside and disappears releasing a small sonic boom.)

Mom: Must be nice to move that fast.
Dad: It was. I'll see you later dear.
Mom: Bye honey.

(Two mins later he arrives at his high school and arrives at his second period classroom.)

Mrs. Johnson: Mr. Tremaine! Late again!?
Trey: Yeah, Obviously.
Mrs. Johnson: You smart little...You're lucky you make good grades.
Trey: *Mumbles* You're lucky I even show up.
Mrs. Johnson: What was that??
Trey: Nothing...*mumbles* Swear I'm gonna just walk out one day.
Mrs. Johnson: Repeat that again!
Trey: It's nothing, don't worry.
Mrs. Johnson: I've had this same class since you all were in elementary school. There's a reason for that, you better remember.
Trey: *Tch*
Mrs. Johnson: Bad enough Ms. Garcia disappeared from this class. Now you're acting up. What's going on with you two?
Trey: (Acting up?) Who's Garcia again?
Mrs. Johnson: Nevermind. Now to continue class.

(4:00 pm. Later in the day.)

(Trey: *Narrating* I bet you've got a lot of questions, like how I got to school so fast. Well let's get started. Only 10% of this world's population has a parasite within ourselves that is attached to us as we are young. Their origin is still unclear. From what they've told us, two beings named Denzeru and Fujin clashed so violently that the previous universe was destroyed and in the same instant this universe was created. Kind of hard to believe, huh. Once we hit the age of 10, they reveal themselves to us in a sort of dream state and literally collaborate with us. It's kind of like lucid dreaming. We serve as host bodies in order to keep them alive and in return, they provide us with heightened abilities in order to protect ourselves from harm which in turn protect them. They do so by zipping around inside us and super charge all of our cells and perform bodily functions. Every collaborator is different in some way. Though, some are very basic and similar. But also, some are complex. In the end, there are only 2 types of collaborators...I think. Those who provide elemental abilities, and those who do not. I don't know much about the other type myself yet or much about us as a whole. Every person with a collaborator can move at mach speed. At this time we are not sure what the highest speed we are able to travel. But I will learn someday. For now I move at mach one. I am also an elemental user. I actually have two, fire and darkness. I don't use the darkness much really. Fire is where it's at. My collaborator is of the more complex variety. They have names as well, and mine is called Bolas. When I've seen him, he kind of looks like a mixture of a demon and a dragon combined. From what they tell us, in order to gain stronger abilities, we are tested within the dream state in which we see them. Mach speed is given to us at initial infection. By 10 years old, if you are an elemental, you have basic control and creation of your element. With enough training, you can augment items you are holding. I do that with a survival knife I keep on me at all times.)

(Trey puts on his hood but hears his name being called.)


(Trey turns to see a boy and a girl waiting for him. The girl had a lightning bolt under her left eye.)

(Trey: Oh yeah, one last thing. We 10% were born with odd birthmarks representing our power. They grow and change upon us using our powers. But ignore this girl's birth mark. She doesn't have any powers. I have one shaped like a flame on my shoulder. The boy next to her has one shaped like a gear on his forearm.)

Girl: Hurry up!
Boy: Come on, let's go.
Trey: Alright, alright.

(Trey: I have a boring life, but these two make it all worthwhile.)

(Trey walks over to them, and they all go off together toward downtown.)

To Be Continued...

Collaborator Arc 1: Fade To BeginWhere stories live. Discover now