vi. that's unfair of you, suna

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Suna, as per usual is on the rooftop, drinking his favorite juice while his arms rest on the balustrades to view the scenery before his eyes. Beholding the cerulean shaded sky so vast in which cloaks the world with its humongous entity, makes him feel the sense of inferiority whenever he'd look heavenwards. On the contrary, this is what the middle blocker is appreciative of as well, for it helps him to relieve his nerves and repose his rigid self. After all, it was an ideal place for him to unwind and savor the peace he couldn't procure during club hours. Mainly, there are the twins who'd regularly dispute over something so insignificant, which it was unpleasant to his ears from often overhearing it. It was earsplitting, to be honest.

As the middle blocker inhales the refreshing wind of the afternoon, a sudden creak of the door has rung through his ears. It grabs his attention as he casually peers over his shoulder to identify who entered his tranquil spot.

"Ah, Suna-san. Good afternoon," you directly greeted once your eyes caught the tall man at the railings.

"Likewise." Was his flat reply before retracting his arms on the rails and spins his body to face you.

You tread closer to Suna and once near him, you ask, "Do you often eat lunch here?"

"Yeah, it's relaxing to eat here during lunch breaks."

His answer confused you a tad bit upon recollecting the day when you and Yumeko had eaten lunch on the rooftop, but no sign of Suna in the area. "Really? I didn't see you here like two days ago?"

Your voice carried a sense of puzzlement as you cock your head to the side, asking him through gazes with definite curiosity flickering in your eyes. Suna solely watched you as he recalled his memories two days ago. Now that you had mentioned it, it was the day when he and his teammates had gathered in the gym to eat together, except for their captain, who had other concerns to do.

"Ah, that. I'm with the team at that time." He clarified, making the side of your lips quirk up.

"It's nice to eat lunch together with your teammates, is it not?"

Suna subtly wrinkles his nose upon hearing your viewpoint. "Not really. It's not nice to often see the twins quipping back and forth while you're peacefully eating your lunch."

You elicit a cackle at his response. "But you couldn't deny that watching them squabbling among themselves is entertaining to behold, am I correct?"

Suna did not reply as he just stared at you, who's grinning cheekily at him. There's no idea had come up in his brain to retort, for it was half fact as well. Despite the fact that Suna is not fond of disorderly places, the twins are affording him the entertainment each time they will wrangle together. Hence, Suna lets out a sigh, presenting you a mere shrug of his shoulders.

His action only broadened your smile before propping your arms on the balusters as you relish the warm air wafting your face.

Suna imitates your action while he watches you in the corner of his eyes, deciding to inspect you again just like last night.

Notwithstanding the surprising events that occurred last night, the middle blocker still hung up at the discovery he had ascertained yesterday. He had not foreseen you being a drummer of a band. Above all, the fact that this is the first he had encountered someone he knows being in a group of musicians. In his vantage point, if he had the lore you are one of the members, he'd assume your position will either be a vocalist or a guitarist, due to the fact you have confessed to Atsumu by serenading him.

Needless to say, Suna had an enjoyable experience last evening, and it was all thanks to you.

He asked you as well if Atsumu knows that you are in a band, but unfortunately, he doesn't. Sucks for him of not having a clue about your remarkable escapades during the night. Ah, he feels sorry for him. You had begged him yesterday if he can keep it a secret as you never wanted someone to identify that you are a musician. And that was his cue to ask you why you even let him visit your gig if you don't want anyone else to know. The only answer he had got from you was:

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