CH*45 (Mall Trip)

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Seokjin pov:

I stare out the window as we ride to the mall. I look over at Joonie and smile as he glances over at me. He smiles in return and reaches over grabbing my hand bringing it to his mouth and kissing my palm before he intertwines our fingers together. His touch calms me. My emotions are still all over the place. I want so much to have a close bond with these men, and I feel like I can be pushy sometimes. I'm afraid I'll scare them away. I am so used to people turning their backs on me it worries me how our friendships will progress as they get to know me. I feel Joonie squeeze my hand as I have gotten lost in my thoughts again. I didn't even realize we had pulled into a parking space at the mall. I listen as the guys get out chatting in excitement.

"Jinnie just relax and be yourself. I am sure things will turn out better than you think. It will be nothing like the last time."

I turn to him as I smile and nod.

"I think so too Joonie. I will just be myself and let things flow."

I release his hand as he gets out but wait for him to come around. Ever the gentleman he opens my door and helps me out of the truck. I look around at the guys and their excitement is contagious as I smile at them.

"Do you guys just want to walk around, or do you have any store in mind you want to check out?"

I watch as they all look at their mates and then turn to me. Yoongi speaks up.

"Let's just walk around and if we see any stores, we want to go in we can stop. Does that sound good?"

He is met with nods form everyone including me. I feel Joonie take my hand and pull me close before he releases it to wrap his arm around me. I'm a bit nervous to walk through the mall this way but I relax as I look around and see that Kooks has taken hold of Tae the same way and the triad are walking with us hand in hand. We walk into the main entrance and look around. It's still early but the mall is fairly crowded.

"This place looks awesome!"

I turn to Kook as he speaks and smile at him.

"Yup, I love this mall. Joonie and I have been here many times. Though it has been some time since we've come here."

I shudder a bit at the memory of the last time we were here. I look over at Joon as he places a kiss on my cheek, and I smile at him. I refuse to let the memory take hold and decide to just enjoy the day. We walk through the mall passing store after store. We are walking and see Bath and Body Works ahead.

"Oh, guys do you mind if we stop in here? I need to get some things that I'm running low on."

I look around to see them nod and we enter the store. I go straight for the body care section and grab a couple of the Perfect Peony sets. I love the smell of this fragrance. It's light but not too feminine so I am comfortable wearing it. I look around and see Joon has grabbed a basket. He holds it up to me, so I place the sets inside. I look to see he has already placed a couple of the Into the Night sets inside. I smile remembering his favorite scent. I look around and see the others have taken up residence in front of the testers and are taking turns trying out different scents. Tae and Suga both hold baskets of their own while they go through the sets. I watch as Tae looks around until he finds a set of Strawberry Pound Cake. He picks up a set and adds it to his basket. He looks over at Kook who sees it and smiles at him.

"That will smell good on you and enhance your natural scent."

He giggles as he continues to try the testers. I watch as he jumps and turns to look at the sets grabbing and placing a set of Warm Vanilla Sugar into the basket with Tae's set.

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