+Chapter II-Oath-Snow+Fire+

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Disclaimer: I do not own the bgm

A Shadow-Pandora Hearts OST 


+Blood Oath+ 


+Chapter II+


+Snow Fire+ 

+Zaphrael HQ+

I rolled my left sleeve up to expose my black wristwatch.

“The meeting will start in three minutes. Hurry up Raithe or I will leave you.”

“It’s that late already!? W-wait for me Asriel!” Even though I was standing outside his room, I can hear the commotion beyond the door in front of me. There were several different objects clattering to the floor and Raithe running back and forth. Knowing that he won’t probably come out at any second, I leaned my back on the hard wall just outside Raithe’s room.

It was his fault that he was now panicking. He knows that we have an important meeting to attend today but he did not even bother to set an alarm on his clock last evening. As a result of his easy-go-lucky attitude, he overslept and we were now on the verge of getting late that will probably lead into receiving another scold.

We are Zaphraels, one of the races in this world. We are the offspring of a vampire and an angel. Our blood was composed of fifty percent from each side. Since they were our origin, we have adopted some aspects and characteristics from the two races.

Blood lust from the vampires and the ability to fly through wings from the angels. Besides from those characteristics, we also received other gifts. We gained the ability to have special abilities. It varies from summoning elements, physic or physical abilities. Our race has a wide range of skills but the roots are still powerful. No matter how strong we are, vampires and angels are still ahead of us.

We have found ways into giving a break on our blood lust. Due to the treaty that was made with the angels after the “Clan Wars”, the vampires were forced to invent a new substance as a substitute in their needs. They made an artificial blood that was made by an intelligent vampire. It was like a juice that has the looks and substance of a real blood. It cannot fully attend our needs but vampires and zaphrael must obey this to avoid starting another war and shedding the blood of humans.

We are much like humans. We can walk and do daily routines even at morning just high ranking vampires. All the races looks like humans so it was hard to classify them unless they show their true forms or show off their auras. We Zaphraels, just like vampires which are more active during night but as time goes by, we were able to adapt ourselves in the society that we are in. We learned to sleep at night but because of the undeniable aspects of our race, we usually overslept and find it hard to wake up at morning.

Others usually use the typical ways, which is using an alarm clock. My way of coping with that problem was different. I have a customized wristwatch that is responsible for waking me up.

“The spring breeze was pretty cold isn’t it?” Raithe’s voice came from his room. The door and walls were separating the rooms that we are in but I can hear him loud and clear as if he was speaking with a microphone.

He was right. It was now November and the weather was getting chilly. Soon, the first snowballs would be dropping like raindrops on the sky, filling the roads with white cotton balls.

“Yeah.” I agreed on Raithe’s opinion about the current weather. As I replied, I waved my hand in the air. An orange spark appeared. I stared at it for a while. When nothing happened, I decided to try again. I waved my hand against the invisible air for the second time. As I did so, another brief spark flashed. Unlike the first attempt, what I was waiting for occurred now. A small orange flame burst to life in my right palm. The flame that I was cradling was warm and bright.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2012 ⏰

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