29. Plane ride

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Ryes povI look over at Ellie resting on Brooklyn's shoulders, with his hoodie over her

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Ryes pov
I look over at Ellie resting on Brooklyn's shoulders, with his hoodie over her. I looked and just had a sudden thought that, maybe Brooklyn might be what she deserves, Brooklyn might be better for her than I ever was. I can tell Brooklyn has feelings for her, very strong feelings, he doesn't do a good job at hiding it, neither does she, but Brooklyn does a good job of caring for her and looking after her. I can tell she likes Brooklyn, but I can also tell she likes me too. Before we were together, I knew she had stronger feelings for me, but now I'm not so sure. I need to talk to her, I have to, I need to let her know how much she means to me, I didn't mean to hurt her, but it was the only way to stop Alice from getting in the way. I hope she can forgive me.

Ellie's PoV
I had a dream, the best dream actually, I was in a relationship with Brooklyn... we had been together for a while, and then he proposed on the Eiffel Tower! We had a romantic dinner date and it was probably the best dream I'd ever had!
Maybe this is a sign, that maybe Brooklyn is the one. But I still also like rye, even though he kind of cheated and lied, I still like him. I'm not sure what to do.
I woke up, leaning on Brooklyn's shoulder, with my arms around his and his hoodie around me. To be honest I really wanted to pretend to be sleeping so I didn't have to move, but I know it would be unfair on rye. So I moved my head a little, signalling to him that I was awake.

Brooklyn- hey,

Ellie- hi, are we there yet?

Brooklyn- were going to land in about 20 minutes

Ellie- oh okay,

Brooklyn- did you have a nice sleep?

Ellie- yes, I had the most perfect dream

Brooklyn- what was it about?

Ellie- I'll tell you another time

I smiled at him, and then drunk some water, I had his hoodie on my lap, I don't know why I didn't bring a jumper or a coat, well there's one in my bag, but it's at the very bottom, I didn't think it would be cold on the plane, guess I was wrong.

Ellie- are you coming to Christians birthday party?

Brooklyn- the one at your house?

Ellie- yeah, in two days

Brooklyn- oh yeah, of course we are

Ellie- good good, I'm decorating and it's going to be amazing!

Brooklyn- If your decorating then it's going to be a fun party

Ellie- yes it is,

We were about to start landing. I knew rye was looking every once in a while, so I put Brooklyn's hoodie around me again and took his hand and put it under the hoodie on the arm rest.

Ellie- to be honest I can't remember what's happening with tomorrow and stuff

Brooklyn- were going to land, then I think the van will already be at the airport, so then we'll go to the hotel, we need to be at the venue at about 11, and then the show won't end until 6 with the meet and greets and stuff. Then we're taking an 11pm plane. We'll be home around 2 or 3 tomorrow. 

Ellie- alright. How long does it take to get to the hotel and venue?

Brooklyn- hm I'm not sure, rye how long does it take to go to the hotel from here and then the venue?

Rye- about, 20 minutes to get to the hotel from the airport and 30 minutes or so to the venue

Brooklyn- ah okay, well there's your answer

Ellie- okay, thank you.

After a little while we landed, as Brooklyn started getting some bags down, I woke up Andy. And then we all left the plane,

Andy went over to rye and sonny, while David, me, Brooklyn, jack and Robbie were waiting for the van outside

Andy- we've got a slight problem

Rye- what?

Andy- we've booked 4 rooms. 3 technically as ones for David.

Sonny- oh yeah, where's Ellie or you going to go?

Andy- we booked the room while you to were together, but obviously we can't now

Rye- well is it just a double or two doubles

Andy- two I think

Rye- well obviously I can't go with her, it's going to have to be Brooklyn.

Sonny- are you sure your alright with that?

Rye- well, I was the one who fucked up. She likes Brooklyn more than me right now so,

Sonny- we could always just book another room

Rye- it's okay just. I'll be fine

Andy- alright.

Andy came over to me, and pulled me away from the others

Andy- we've got 3 rooms available, who would you like to share one with, assuming you don't want one with rye anymore.

I looked at Brooklyn but didn't say anything

Andy- you can have one with Brooklyn

Ellie- but I've just broken up with rye, it will be unfair

Andy- he doesn't mind, trust me

Ellie- okay, I'll ask him

I smiled at Andy and went over to Brooklyn. I looked at him

Ellie- do you want to share a room?

Brooklyn- only if you and rye are okay with it

I nodded and smiled, he looked at rye and he nodded too, I smiled at rye, almost saying that it's okay. Once we got the van, we went to the hotel and booked in.

Andy- here are the keys, well card. Me, rye and robbie are sharing a room, David's having his own, and jack and sonny are sharing, we're all upstairs, your the floor above.

Ellie- thanks, see you later

I took the card and headed up the lift. We got to the room and opened the door. I went over the the bed and looked at Brooklyn who was in the bathroom

Brooklyn- what's wrong?

Ellie- theres only one bed...

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