36. The choice

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ellies pov

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ellies pov

as soon as i woke up i wanted to die. god my heads killing me, i feel like throwing up i look around and see that i'm in a t-shirt, i don't remember anything from last night. well 9pm foreward. i see a bucket and a towel on the floor and smile, but im still wondering who did this. i look on my bed-side table and see some pills, water and a note

the pills will make you feel better

-Brooklyn xx

awe, i had a feeling it was Brooklyn. i take two pills and drink some water. jeez, how much did i drink last night?!

i go to the bathroom and see my makeup has been taken off, from the corner of my eye i see Brooklyn walk in and lean on the door frame

Ellie- how bad was i last night?

Brooklyn- not that bad, you didn't drink that much but i took off your makeup and made sure you were okay

Ellie- thank you, i'm sorry if i did anything or tried to do anything, wait, did you stay last night?

Brooklyn- you were absolutely fine, tired more than anything. and yes i did, christian let me as rye was drunk and Andy has a vision of him doing something bad

Ellie- where did you sleep?

Brooklyn- the guest room, well, i'll let you get ready. see you later

Ellie- wait.

i went up and hugged him, after we parted he left
*couple of hours later*

Christian- Ellie! Ryes here

Rye? What's he doing here? I pause my film and go downstairs. Ryes at the bottom of the stairs

Ellie- hey what are you doing here?

Rye- I wanted to talk to you, if your okay that is

I nodded and led him to my room. I turned off the tv and sat on the sofa.

Rye- I'm just going to say it but Ellie, I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend again?

I was shocked, wow I didn't know he was going to say that! I had a little panic but then thought of all the great memories we had whilst we were together not seeing the negative side of it

Ellie- yes

I smiled at him and gave him a hug. Apart of me was happy and another part wasn't.

Rye- do you want to come over?

Ellie- yeah, why not.

I got dressed and we headed to his house. I went in, everyone already knew we were together as rye told everyone. Although the whole time I was there I didn't see Brooklyn

Brooklyn came through the front door, I was in the kitchen looking at him while the others were busy planning things. He took one look at me and ran upstairs. With that one look, I felt the pain in his eyes. Did I make the right choice?

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