part 11 "Snowdin"

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P: So that's Snowdin... quite a quiet place, maybe finally I meet that Great Papyrus (waving to pedestrians with smile). What's a beautiful day outside we have, perfect temperature to exploring (-10*C) , snow is falling, little wind and nobody know who I really am, Isn't that a beautiful day?!

after 4 minutes

S: Hello again friend

P: Hello Sans, how's day going?

S: Normally I would say furtastic but I wan't expect that you would lie me

P: I furry apologise fur that but I coldn't resist, I have to said that

S: Yea yea, you right, I see that you have a bone to pick with me~... so you doing a break?

P: Not really but patrol is also part of our work, don't you think?

S: Right, so what you think about patrol in my house?

P: I see that, that would be a really nice patrol (he smiling), no objections, that would be nice chance to meet Papyrus

S: Okey then, want a shortcut?

P: Are you that lazy? I know that you live near.

S: You know me

P: Yea~ I know, someday you forget how to walk

S: It woun't be a really big problem to me as long I have my shortcuts (smiling)

P: Did you smile? It's hard to say because you always have the same face

S: I always smiling

P: I will remember that

S: Okey, so let's take a little walk (he teleporing 5 steps)

P: I thought that, that will be a walk

S: And I am walking, I am just too fast to your eye

P: You know that I can manipulate time? My eyes can see everything

S: Now I know, so what your eyes can see? (still teleporting while Pawlos closing to him)

P: Normal human can see 4 dimensions but when I would want, I can see all 26 dimensions

S: Isn't that a problem to you seeing everything?

P: Of course it is but I can control that so that's not a very problem to me

S: Did you always could see everything of that or you learn that

P: You don't know what Void will give you

S: So Void give you that power? that's too fantasy to be real

P: but that's true, but I wasn't expect that you will accept that, that fast

S: You right, it's hard to believe in something new... oh, we are already here? That's my house

P: Like I expected, so let's come in

S: I should said that

P: but I am in patrol

S: heh, you right

inside house

S: Hey Papyrus, we have guest

Pp: How unexpectly~, you really come with someone and second unexpectly thing is, that you used doors. How's your friend name?

P: My name is Pawlos but you can call me Red if you want

Pp: Okey then, nice to meet you Red, I see that you Royal Guard

P: Yeah, something wrong with that?

Pp: No it's just I suppost know all Royal Guards but that's first time when I see you

P: Oh it's just because I am new~. Are you a Royal Guard too?

S: And you said it...

Pp: Unfortunatelly no, I wanted to be one not long time ago but Undyne still saying that I am not ready and not ready. I am wondering when I will be ready

P: So now you don't want be one of them

Pp: No, I still want but I have that think that Undyne never give me that job

P: Is that so

Pp: Yes... but it's not time to be sad, someday I will become one

P: I believe in that, you just must become stonger, that strong like Undyne or even stronger, if that happen, you will be Royal Guard on 100%

Pp: Thanks, you are a good person. If you already here~... do you like pizza?


Pp: That's good, do you want eat some?

P: I'd love to

Pp: Okey then, just wait (hits his skull), THE GREAT PAPYRUS WILL DO ONE MORE IN WHILE ! (he run to kitchen)

S: Papyrus is so cool~ I am happy to see that you make Papyrus happier.

P: Yeah...

S: You just said that for pizza isn't it?

P: Yes

S: I expected this from you

End of part 11

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