part 31 "Kris"

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after everybody ate their pie

P: Thanks Toriel, your pies are like always the best.

T: It wasn't any deal to me, even if you wouldn't be today, I would be baking some pies

P: Heh, you right, baking pies for you is like hobby

T: *laughing a little* you have 100% right. Oh, btw, about what you were talking before. I am intersting to hear about that too.

P: *processing* We were talking about nothing special Toriel. It was just about gift. Yes, we were talking about a very big gift to every monsters~

T: Oh is that it. Then you make me a little intersested but I won't be torment you with questions then. I know how important is to makes gifts secret.

P: Right, *looking at clock what is on wall* I must go now. My shift starting soon.

T: Oh, it's that time already? Then I don't want to disturb you with your work so that would be a  goodbye for that moment

P: I must apologise that I was here such a short time but work calls me... but probably not work, and Undyne is calling me.

F: Heh, you right, she is always Undying when is going about job

Ch: Frisk, I see that you are a little too Frisky tonight

T: something impossible happend *surprised*, Chara said pun

Ch: I did and I hate it

F: Oh, I see that Pawlos left while we were talking

T: When he appear next time I must give him...

Ch: ...mum, no...

T: ...Tutoriel. *smiling*

Ch: And another good day has over.

Kris P.O.V

Pawlos appearing in Waterfall

P: *seeing Kris on his phone* I know that I will find you here.

K: Oh, It's you Pawlos.

P: Yes, It's me, and how about you

K: I am fine

P: Is that so, then what are you doing on your phone 

K: Talking to someone

P: Oh~... you talking to someone~ Is that your minecraft girlfriend

K: How do you know!

P: Just a guess but retirning to important matters. Do you want back in Surface?

K: Of course yes, here's too weak signal!~

P: I known that we will be agree.

K: So what are you suggesting?

P: Telling that in not very much words. I need you, Frisk and Chara to destroy barrier.

K: And how we will do that.

P: Do you know something about electronic stuff

K: Not very much...

P: So let's tell you using Minecraft as an example. Do you know what happen when on server is too many players?

K: In the most cases server is lagging or even server is crashing

P: Yes, we will do something like that crashing.

K: A-ha. And how will be that work?

P: You see, determination soul is the strongest type so according to my calculations, if 4 humans what have that type of soul, barrier will be have his crash.

K: Oh~ now I understand.

P: Good to know that we agree

K: So when we will be doing that?

P: Tomorrow.

K: Ok, I can not wait till tomorrow then

P: So I will go now

K: Work?

P: Yeah~ my shift starting soon, so see ya~ *teleporting*

K: And he disappeared~... he must teach me that... .... ... I am fucking jealous.

Pawlos P.O.V

appearing in Snowdin on his stand

P: How a beaitiful snowy day~ it's nice to see all of this happy monsters faces~... in days like this who couldn't take a little nap?~..., fuck... it looks like I starting to become like Sans... meh. *falling asleep*

End of part 31

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