part 19 "the Undying determination"

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After few hours of sleeping

Frisk is doing "This is Sparta" on Sans' room

F: Wake up sleepyhead!

S: Oh, it's you Frisk, what brings you to me today

F: Mum want meet you

S: Wait~ Tori?~ about what?

F: You know exactly why Mum want talk to you

S: Nah, give me 2 mouths, I am too tired for that

F: (grabbing Sans) I don't want to hear any "no" from your mouth

S: Pawlos help me~... wait...(he's not here) WHERE HE IS WHEN HE'S NEEDED

F: Heh nobody will help you now.

S: (close to doors) Papurus help~

F: Papyrus is not home on that hour

S: What hour we already have btw?

F: It's 14.00 already, why you asking, (leaving house) I thought that skeletons doesn't need know time

S: Ha, ha, because skeletons are already dead

F: Good that you know that, think that way: you can't be more dead

S: Really~... that's really good consolation~...

Pawlos' P.O.V (Waterfall)


P: (walking into Hotland direction) I am interesting if that could Sans speaking about me without my knowlenge?~... Meh~, that's probably nothing important~

After 5 minutes of walking

U: (jumping down from the hill) 

U: (jumping down from the hill) 

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Undyne the Undying Hero enters

P: *claps, claps, claps* Nice enter. Why I have the honor of meeting you now.

U: Let's make sparring. I've heard from Papyrus that you are so fucking strong.

P: Eh. Okey then. Give me your best 

U: you'll regret it

Pawlos' soul changing into green 

U: you can't move now! let's see if you handle it!~

P: Interesting, let's see what you will do

thousands of blue and orange spears appearing and after appear, Undyne shoot all of them in the same time. All of them hitted into target but only Undyne thought that

After smoke subsided Undyne saw that all of spears was stopped before hit

U: How's that possible?!

P: You thought that I would take it?~ Now it's my tour

Green magic suddenly disappear and after that Pawlos sended back all of spears into Undyne. Blue spears changed into purple, orange into red. On the sam time he spawn 4 blasters around Undyne and shoot  in the same time. After smoke subsided, Undyne doesn't have her armor, she've got many scars and her hp equaled 1.

U: Im-possib-le...

P: And that's a true attack but first let me heal your damage

U: (all of hp was restored and all of damage disapear) How's that possible?... healing magic shouldn't be that effective... What are you did to me!

P: It's nothing impotant but now you see, I am too strong for you~ (smiling)

U: You right... Now you are stronger that be but that won't be long!

P: Prove your words whenever you want~ (Undyne left). And she left~ I could be expected that... Let's back to my little trip~

Frisk P.O.V

F: Mum~ I came with Sans~

S: Why are you doing that to me?~. The way you keep me is quite embarrassing.

F: I can't do anything with that, that you are light like that Sans

S: But still that embarrassing...

Frisk makes Sans sit on the chair

T: Finally~. Now let's talk about somethong important Sans

S: And what is it Toriel? I must disappoint yiu, because I already taken.

T: And that why we brought you here

S: Don't tell me that you are jealous

T: No?!~ We brought you here becuase we must talk about your and Frisk future

S: Oh~... Is That why you brought me here~. That's translating everything. But I can't say anything about that because I never think about future. I always look at past and present.

Ch: It's Sans for you~ and what you've been expected from him that he say?~

T: Eh. You right my child.

S: So will you let me go now?

T: Not that fast Sans. I heard that you love my pies.

End of part 19

spoiler warning


Kris is coming :)

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