Chapter 7

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Verity's POV
I told them a partial truth about my past, it's true my dad did go swimming with me, but it was the navy that made me learn how to hold my breath for that long. An early memory of my time there is being taught that skill. They held me underwater until my lungs were in agony and I couldn't hold my breath anymore and I would panic. They made me do it so many times I puked again and again. Their methods were extreme, but it made me who I am today. It gave me a family, a strange one that didn't last as long as I hoped, but it was better than the alternative.

I waited for the lifeguard called Hoppo to bring back the first aid box and realised they were all staring at me. "What?" They looked at each other then back at me. Maxi was the first to speak, "You're so badass." I laughed, he just said what must have been on all of their minds. "It's nothing, again, my dad wanted me to be able to defend myself, nothing more." Hoppo returned with the first aid kit and placed it on the medical bed. I pulled down the shoulder of my dress and took a look at the wound. It had been stitched up back in Mexico, but I'd torn some of the stitches in the fight, I'm so stupid. I grabbed some gauze and sanitising wipes and cleaned the blood off and placed a clean piece of gauze over the wound and bandaged it up. "How did you get that?" Jesse asked. I froze, "ummm, I had an accident, it's nothing much." I continued quickly covering it up. The others seemed satisfied with my answer, but he looked like he could tell something was wrong. I finished up and gave them the first aid box back. "Thank you for letting me use that, I need to go or my hand... parents will be worried." What was going on today, I couldn't get anything right. It must be the jet lag affecting me. I stood up and picked up my bag. "Come by the tower tomorrow and say hi, just to make sure we know you're okay." Hoppo said. Weird seeing as they just saw me take down a group of guys single handed, but I guess not doing it would be more suspicious. "Yeah, I'll try." I smiled and thanked them again before walking out the tower and finally making my way home.

Jesse's POV
Somethings not right with that girl, there's something off about the way she acts and says things, plus that wound was no accident, I've only ever seen one wound like that and it was a long time ago, when I wasn't on the right side of the law. I decided not tell the others about what I thought, they trusted her, doesn't help that she's a dazzling girl with a heart wrenching British accent.

We walked back to the apartment talking about her. "I think she's an alien," said Harrison. "She can breathe underwater and has insane skills and she's here to find lost treasure that was buried at Bondi millions of years ago by her alien ancestors." Honestly these guys have incredible imaginations sometimes. "Well I think she's a ninja, sent from England to take down a group of criminals at Bondi." Said Maxi. We laughed at this, "Okay, she may be good at fighting, but who would put a sixteen year old on a mission to take down a group of criminals?" Harrison said. "Well you said she was an alien so mines a little more realistic mate." Maxi said, laughing. But Harrison was right, there's no way she could be here for any other reason than to be with her family.

A/N: I'm so excited about where I'm going to take this, I have a great plan in my head so I hope you enjoy it when it's written up.

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