Chapter 30

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I quickly pushed open the door and forced myself into the room. His face twisted in anger as he reached around to the gun in his waistband. My gun was already aimed straight at his chest, it recoiled three times and I was done. The bullets went clean through him so I picked them up along with the casings and put them in my pocket. I closed the door behind me and looked around the room. It had little to no personal items in it, the only thing that interested me was the safe. I put my ear next to it and quickly broke in. The contents was exactly what I expected, money, fake Id, ammunition, but there was one exception. A photograph of a woman, it took me a while to realise it was my mother. I looked closely at the image taking in every feature, I hadn't seen a photo of her in years. I turned the photo over and saw writing on the back. I love you. Suddenly everything clicked into place, my parents weren't murdered because of their job, it was because of a single psychopath that wouldn't leave my mum alone. For the first time I actually felt closure for my parents deaths, there was no one else involved, it was all over. I closed the door behind me as I walked back down the hallway, not looking back.

The woman with the child was just coming out of her room. "Did you manage to find him?" She asked innocently. "Yes I did, thank you for your help." I replied getting into the lift. My finger twitched as I waited for the doors to open onto the ground floor. Eventually they did and I walked confidently out of the building. It was almost like I wasn't there at all.

I dumped the bullets in a bin nearby and headed down to the beach. I needed an alibi in case they pieced things together. I entered the tower and saw Maxi sitting in the tower, perfect. "Hey Maxi I've been here for the last hour right?" I asked him, my tone telling him how he should answer. "Yeah? Okay" He wasn't certain, but he knew I wouldn't get him involved if it wasn't necessary. "Thanks, I sorted out my problem." I said changing into my spare lifeguard uniform. "Oh." His face paled. "Is that what I'm covering for?" I sat down in the chair next to him. "You don't have to and it's only in case they start digging, but I don't think they will." I have him a pleading look and he nodded back at me. "Okay, but only because I trust that you have only done good for the world, even if it's not the most legal way." I breathed an internal sigh of relief, it was a risk telling him, but a necessary one.

I finished out my impromptu shift and headed back to the apartment. I hid my gun back behind my bed and laid down. I'd actually done it, I was never going to go against the law again, it was all over.

A/N: sorry for not updating, but it's finally here. The story is coming to an end and I'm so grateful for the support I've gotten, it's unbelievable to me that we've passed 10k reads. I appreciate every single one of you, so thank you so much!!

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