Chapter 18

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Verity's POV
Two days, that's all I have left. Two days until I go back to England. Two days before I lose everything. I had been calling in sick the last few days, I couldn't face seeing any of them again, seeing what I was losing made it hurt even more. I buried myself in my computer, the code the only thing that was certain. Before I knew it lunch had come and gone. My stomach growled at me to move, but I ignored it and kept going. It was early evening when there was a knock at my door. I got up and opened it. Sarah was standing there. "You are one lucky girl. Tamarama beach tomorrow at nine o'clock. Your final chance, don't screw it up." She turned around and went back downstairs. I couldn't believe it, I get another shot. Maybe if I don't screw it up I can stay, I could stay in Australia.

I unpacked my kit and laid it out ready for tomorrow. I was on duty at Tama tomorrow anyway so I could use that as cover to see where the deal was happening. I guess I didn't have to be careful now either.

Jesse's POV
We were all worried about Verity, she had been calling in sick the last few days, but we all knew that was a lie. Everyone's mood was low, there was a shared feeling of helplessness in the tower. She never shared her family life so none of us knew what was going on for her.

I heard the phone ring in the tower, Maxi answered it. I expected it to be Verity saying she wasn't coming in tomorrow as she did everyday. "That's great, we'll see you tomorrow." He put the phone down and turned round, he had a huge grin on her face. "Guess who's coming to Tama tomorrow to work?" He said.
"Wait really? That's great!" I said. "Who's at Tama tomorrow?"
"Me, you, Chappo, Harrison and her. Don't push it though, I know you want to help, but you can be a bit direct sometimes." I sighed, he was right. "Yeah I'll try and be calm." He nodded and continued watching the water. I was both nervous and excited that Verity was coming to work tomorrow. I didn't know what to expect.

Verity's POV
I woke up with my heart thumping. I sat up and took a deep breath. Sometimes these nightmares turned into memories, those were the worst. I took a large drink of water and got out of bed. My alarm buzzed, 6:00, time to get ready. I put my swimsuit on under my uniform, tied my hair up and slipped my gun into my bag. This time I wouldn't let them get away, nothing was going to stop me.

I made my way to the beach, my feet sinking into the soft sand. I walked up to the tower and put my bag down. I picked up the binoculars and crawled my eyes over the beach. I looked at the clock, 8:55, not much time left. I heard the door open and someone sat down next to me. "Are you okay?" It was Jesse. I had to focus on the beach, I couldn't miss this. I ignored him and kept my eyes on the sand. I could tell he was frustrated as he stood up and walked off.

I looked at the beach and saw a black figure walking towards a boat. I grabbed the gun out of my bag and sprinted down the beach. I got within five meters of the man before he turned around. "Put down the case or I will shoot." He looked up at me and sneered. "You won't do anything, you don't have the guts to pull that trigger." His voice sounded harsh and unforgiving. "Don't underestimate me." I said, my voice strong and determined. I heard shouts from behind me as I slowly put more pressure on the trigger. "Last chance, what's it going to be?"

A/N: I'm sorry, but I love a good cliff hanger! I promise the next chapter will be out tomorrow.

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