Chapter 28

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I couldn't stay in the tower. I couldn't put my friends at risk because of my past. I had to do something. I headed out to a cafe nearby and sat down facing the beach. If I was still with Mike and Sarah then I could have done something easily, but now that wasn't an option. I was on my own with this, whatever I did now would be on the wrong side of the law. No room to screw up now then.

I watched as he left the beach and walked into town. I pulled my hood up and followed. The key to this was to not be in his line of sight. He knew who I was so I couldn't afford to be spotted. It was a busy day so blending in with the crowd was easy, keeping track of him was not. I followed him to a nearby hotel where he went in and straight into the lift. I couldn't follow without risking being caught so I went back to the beach. I took my phone out and searched up gun shops nearby, I no longer had my equipment, but I still had my gun license.

I went back to the tower to continue my shift. I knew Maxi was worried from the way he kept glancing at me. I'm mean I can't blame him, I did just tell him someone's out to murder me, but I can more than handle myself. I will be fine.

I made sure that I stayed in the tower, just in case he came back, but I didn't think he would. It was normally boring just sitting up there, but today I was on edge, a switch had flipped in my head and I was now back into work mode, and I'm not talking about lifeguarding.

By the time the beach was clearing I was itching to get to the shop. I felt exposed without a weapon and I didn't like it. My hand twitched in anticipation as I headed to the nearby shop. The bell dinged as I entered the empty shop, I guess not many people wanted guns, a good thing I suppose. I wandered around my eyes falling over every weapon in front of me. A bulky man came out from a backdoor, he looked ex army and had an aire of importance around him. "Aren't you a little young to be looking for a gun?" He asked, his voice almost the opposite of his build, a soft comforting sound. I turned to look directly at him, "no I've got a license, it's best if you don't ask." I showed him my license and he nodded curtly, his demeanour changing in a heartbeat. He picked a small hand gun off the racks. "How about this one, its small and easy to conceal, accurate, but also fast which I think is probably necessary in your line of work." I froze, I'd forgotten that the license also mentioned that I was a member of the navy, no turning back now. "Yes, it is." He smiled and handed me the case. I took it and after saying a quick thanks I was out the door and heading back home.

A/N: I'm so sorry I've been inactive for weeks, I've really just lost my motivation for this story, but I'm going to finish it so I will try and update weekly from now on!! Thank you for sticking with me

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