Chapter 1 : Beauty is the beast

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Scotland, 995 A.D.

"Goodnight, girls."
Said a middle aged shepherd who smiled at his sheep who happily ate their late night dinner, he closed the fence gate tightly and look on at the beautiful night sky, the moonlight looking down on him with the millions of stars littered all over the sky, and soft calm night breeze blow through his hair.
"What a lovely night.."
Said Y/N, as he then walked up the hill with his shepherd staff, up to his house, where he also got a glimpse at his hen house.
This young shepherd ; Y/N, lived a peaceful life alone in the hills, tending his chickens, looking over his sheep keeping watch for any wolves that may come out at night, and planting and growing crops in his garden and cornfield. It was quiet, which he had no problem with, after all most folks nowadays weren't always the kindest. After a long days work, he decided that would call it a night and get some rest, as he walked up the front lawn to his front door, raising his hand out to open it, he froze, feeling as though he was no longer alone, he felt a chilling presence, as he felt the urge to look up, and as he looked up once again at the moonlight, his eyes widened, to his surprise he saw a gargoyle high above in the sky gliding over the clouds, it's shadow looming over him in the moonlight, he look amazed, for he had never gotten to meet a gargoyle, and he heard of the many heroic tales of the gargoyle named Goliath, who was the leader of the gargoyle clan that assisted the princess of the Wyvern castle ; Katherine, in many fierce battles with other soldiers who tried to take her kingdom, as he watched the gargoyle fly, he then noticed it shift in the other direction frantically flapping its wings in a hurry, almost as if he or she was in trouble or injured. The gargoyle let out a pained shriek as Y/N had saw at the corner of his eye, a arrow had been shot up into the sky and hit the gargoyle, who then flew downwards in an alarming speed, soon disappearing out of sight. Y/N looked horrified, the gargoyle was under attack ! But who would want to harm a gargoyle like that? Gargoyles were fierce and intimidating warriors, but also friends and allies who would protect the ones they care for, at least from he had heard about from the gargoyles from Wyvern castle. After a few minutes of silence, Y/N heard another painful shriek coming in the right, which made him to his right as he looked on across the river, and saw the shadow of the gargoyle who was flying across the closing in fast in his direction just a few miles away, and they moved in an alarming speed too.
Y/N gasped as he then saw the gargoyles crashland onto his farm, they had landed on the grass first, making a small crater in the ground, but bounced off and briefly became airborne again, and then crash landing into the wind mill house with a loud thud and breaking through the brick wall.
Y/N dropped his shepherd staff and ran towards the wind mill house to help the gargoyle.
Once Y/N made it to the wind mill, he carefully stepped across the brick on the ground and stepped inside through the whole they made from the crash.
"Hello ? Are you hurt !?"
Y/N called out, but no response.
As the smoke cleared, Y/N took a step back in shock, as the light from the moon shined inside through whole. It was a beautiful young gargoyle woman. She had blue skin, a long tail, a set of wings like a dragon, long pointy red hair, and sharp teeth, but she was heavily injured, she had a few deep cuts on her skin, she had bruises, a whole pierce through her wing, and a arrow pierced deep in through her side impaling her, and appeared to have become unconscious from the fall.
Y/N came closer, and bent down to the poor woman, and placed his hand on her shoulder
"Ms. Gargoyle ? Can you hear me?"
He asked as he noticed her lips briefly open showing her sharp teeth gritted together as she grunted in pain.
"Ah...of course, how stupid of me, you are probably too hurt for me to be asking you like this. But don't worry madam ! I will help you."
He then carefully slid his arms under her body, and he picked her surprisingly light body up in his arms, as her head, wings and tail dangled beneath her, Y/N carefully turned around and exited the wind mill trying not to trip on her tail, and walked passed the horse pen, where the horses currently were rather curious about the new visitor as they watched as Y/N carried her to his house, the sheep in the sheep pen however were terrified by this winged creature that landed on their home.
Y/N then used his right hand to twist door knob open, and then kicked the door open, as he then walked inside, and used his foot to kick the door shut behind him, and he walked the stairs to the bedroom, and he took her inside his room and gently laid her now trembling body onto the spare bed on her back, to which she winced in pain, as Y/N pulled the covers off from under her, and lifted her head up to slide a pillow under her, and let her head rest comfortably. Y/N then got out his med kit, and began working on her wounds. She was breathing heavily, her eyes closed, and she was almost dying, barely conscious.
Y/N had used a wet rag on her cuts and bruises, cleaning them and wiping off the heavy amounts of blood she was losing.
Once her wounds were dry, all he had to do was let them heal overtime, Y/N now came to the hardest part, pulling out the long arrow that impaled her side, sticking from her backside to her frontside, and blood was oozing out and bleeding down her stomach, staining her clothing and forming a puddle onto the bed. Y/N then carefully removed her clothing to his surprise she didn't seem to notice as she was still barely conscious, though she was silently moaning in pain by every second.
Y/N took a breath, and prepared himself for the worst. He had to deal with injuries like this before, as he knew how they felt, as he then placed his right hand on her right beside the arrow, and placed his left hand on the end off the arrow, gripping it tightly.
As Y/N then began counting, The gargoyle then helped in pain as she gritted her teeth again.
Y/N then pulled the arrow upwards making it move across her flesh outwards the other way by a few inches, to which the gargoyle then let out a wail in pain, as she gritted her teeth with a angry expression with her eyes still closed tight, breathing hard and gripping the bed laying on her side.
Y/N then waited a few seconds, before counting again.
Y/N then pulled again, the arrow almost halfway out, to which the gargoyle then shouted out in pain, as she then began whimpering and moaning, her eyes swelling up with tears. Y/N then saw the arrow was almost out, just one more pull and it would over with, Y/N then moved his right hand over to the gargoyles left hand which was clenched into a fist, and he placed his hand onto it in a comforting manner, to which she responded by immediately clenching it into her tightly shocking
the gargoyle moaned
Y/N then turned his attention to the arrow, and took a deep breath again, and counted in his head one last time.
Y/N then yanked the arrow out one last time, successfully pulling the now bloody arrow out from the gargoyles flesh, which bleed out even more, and the gargoyle briefly opened her eyes which a furious red and she raised her head up and screamed in immense pain and torment, the painful scream lasted for 10 seconds while tears pores out from her eyes, till her head then plopped back down on the pillow, and she soon fainted.
Y/N sighed heavily, looking down on his right hand which had finally been released from her grasp had almost been crushed by the pressure of her hand, and then looked to the bloody arrow and tossed aside and looked to the big bleeding flesh wound still remaining, Y/N took a bigger wet rag and cleaned the wound, which had taken a little longer then the other wounds.
Y/N then wrapped bandages around her waist and hips to heal the wound, as he then cleaned the blood stains in the bed, and he carefully covered her up in the bed sheets, bringing them to her neck. Y/N then put away his medic kit, and put the gargoyles clothing away to clean them for tomorrow, and laid the arrow on his dresser next to his own bed.
Y/N then went downstairs, going to the kitchen to prepare some food and a drink for the gargoyle, aware that they turn to stone by daylight, preparing himself for when she would awaken, which wouldn't be very long.

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