Chapter 5 : My immortal

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A few months had past, It wasn't long before she realized she was pregnant with Y/N's child. A new breed of Gargoyle and Human whom she vowed to protect and raise.
One evening though Someone was about to make an unwelcome visit : Macbeth.
As you out in the nearest village looking to buy food for the incoming winter, you were bumped into by a man with a scar.
"Oi, watch your step lass."
He said as you stumbled to grab your groceries
"Sorry, but I've been in a hurry to gather up for the winter.
"Curious. Have you seen a female gargoyle lurking around here? Folks say she landed in near this area."
You froze
"A female gargoyle?..."
you asked
"Aye. A blue devil she is, and she must be killed."
He said
"Uh...what did she do exactly? Aren't the Gargoyles supposed to be good?"
You asked trying to stall, not trying in any way to be suspicious.
"She's responsible for several war crimes. She was one of the many gargoyles who stayed loyal  to Princess Katherine. And I'm here to find her and bring her to justice."
Said Macbeth As he then noticed your facial expressions as he described her to you.
"Lass. I think you might be Sus."


"He's just running. Yes, that must be it. It is getting chilly out there after all."
Demona was talking to herself as she sat by the window awaiting her mates return. Rubbing her belly, she looked unsure.
"I'll have to tell him, otherwise I do not think he is up for something like that."
Demona sighed looking out into the distance, watching the clouds slowly float by under the mountains
"Do not worry my little Ophelia, your father will return soon."
She whispered to her unborn daughter.
Demona shifted her eyes to the pathway to see a figure walking down it to her house
Demona's face lit up with joy, but it slowly faded when she noticed their were four to five figures walking towards your house, armed with swords.
A swordsman knocked hard on the front door, while three other swordsmen stood behind him with their swords drawn out ready for an ambush.
"Demona! Come out ! Macbeth has your human pet ! If you want to see him alive again, meet Macbeth at the mountains!"
Their was no answer. But a whoosh from above as they then looked up to see Demona flying away in a hurry.
Demona huffed and tried to save energy and balance her flight, for she could feel her baby inside her, it was going to come out soon.

"What are you doing!?"
You yelled flaying your arms around swinging the chains
"Don't you get it lass? Demona is a crook in these times! I'm trying to save you from her clutches."
Said Macbeath
"No, she's not like that anymore! We've been working things out, she's changed !"
You said
"My you are diluted. What did she do? Hit you in the head so hard you became mentally stupid? Or put you under some kind of spell?"
Asked Macbeth
A thud was heard atop the ceiling which startled you
Asked Macbeth
You then smirked
"So, I take it you have indeed met my wife?"
"You have a wife? Demona is your wife!?"
A winged woman loomed over them with red glowing eyes from the top of the ceiling.

Demona caught him off guard and kicked him down

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Demona caught him off guard and kicked him down.
You looked up
"Demona !"
She swooped down in front of you
"My love, are you hurt?"
She grabbed your cheeks and gave you a kiss
"No, he merely chained me up."
You froze when you felt a soft kick against your chest, and you looked down to see Demona's belly in shock, as Demona unchained you
"Are we?..."
Demona almost teared up and smiled
"Yes, my love, we are ! Isn't it wonderful? She is our little Ophelia!"
"You already named her?"
You asked
Demona blushed
You then grunted in pain when suddenly an arrow impaled your stomach, Demona gasped in horror as your body dropped to the ground.
Demona whimpered as you laid on the ground
"Well..Now you understand the torment you caused."
Demona gritted her teeth as she then glared at Macbeth about to attack
"You fool, if you kill me, you go with me."
She then remembered that. He was right.
Without thinking Demona simply picked up your body and flew away.
Macbeth stared into the distance
"You may think me the bad guy in this story, Demona. But you've done worse. Far, far, worse."


Demona looked on horrified as she touched down in front of your house, to see everything had been set ablaze by the four swordsmen sent by Macbeth, your house was reduced to rubble and all of your animals had been slaughtered viscously, with the fences torn down, while some had managed to get away and escape into the wild, most of them perished.

Demona gently sat your body down on the grass
"My love?.."
you weakly opened your eyes seeing Demona in such distress and pain. Your words and coughs were filled with blood.
Demona covered her mouth and gasped
"Darling, your!..."
She froze when your placed your hand on her cheek and caressed
"My love...please...whatever you do...don't take your wrath out on the innocent...."
you gurgled as Demona began crying.
she saw your eyes then rolled back into your head and your eyelids closed.
"My love?...Y/N? can't be..."
Demona then sobbed as she held your lifeless body close and placed her head into your chest.
"What...what have I....what have THEY done to you!?..."
Demona opened her eyes let out a bloody curdling screech of anger, that echoed into the night sky.


David Xanatos sat at his desk with a glass of wine in his hand as he slowly moved the cup around watching the ice spin around inside it.
A familiar feminine voice called out making an unwelcome entrance into his office.
He glared at the gargoyle standing before him
"I have a favor I would to ask if you. I have noticed you have advanced technology that can bring dead things back to life?"
She asked
"Yes? What's in it for me?"
Asked Xanatos
"I have a human I want you to bring back..if you do this, I will pledge my loyalty to your alliance."
"A human? I thought you despised the human race, most unusual."
Said Xanatos
" crazy as it sounds, this human was my second lover. He was the one who taught me to love humanity, and when he died I promised I wouldn't take my vengeance on the innocent.."
Xanatos smirked
" couldn't make that promise could you?"
Demona lowers her head in Shame
"Well in any case, I do have the technology. But I can't bring him back."
Said Xanatos
Demona looked up
"But...I can clone an exact duplicate of him, with all of his memories intact. I just need a few DNA samples from his carcass."
Said Xanatos as he walked Demona to his laboratory and showed her an artificial womb he had recently invented, as well as other projects he had been working on.
"You mean it? You can do that?"
Asked Demona
"Of course, this second lover of yours has only been dead for what? 1,000 years? So the dna and blood should still be readable. For example If it were anything like a dinosaur from the Cretaceous period that died 65 million years ago, than the dna would be far from readable and thus could never be brought back, or a woolly mammoth in the Pliocene epoch and the ice age that died out only a few thousand years, while not as old as a prehistoric dinosaur but still a bit difficult. However, an average homo sapien from Scotland 1,000 years ago? More than likely, especially with my technology."
Said Xanatos as he then pointed to the machine
"I created an artificial womb awhile back when I first started cloning. He will have a clone that will be bright exactly how his counterpart was before he died, meaning he won't start out as a cloned baby. So, shall we get started old friend?"
Asked Xanatos
Demona looked up at the womb, she gulped unsure of what she was doing, feeling completely guilty and ashamed to even wanna look at you again after so long, after everything she's done. But after a moment of silence, she made up her mind.


"Yes. Now, with this spell, I'll be able to start over, finally have a chance of redemption! I've already decicrated my relationship with my former mate, my former clan, and even my own daughter, Angela, whom I fear hates every ounce of my being. But at least, I'll be able to restore another relationship I once had."

Demona then looked back at Xanatos's tower with a glare "You better keep your word, Xanatos

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Demona then looked back at Xanatos's tower with a glare
"You better keep your word, Xanatos."

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