Chapter 4 : A Gargoyles' night (lemon)

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Y/N and Demona started to bond respectfully with one another now deciding to be a couple, as they worked on fixing the whole in the wind mill walls, Demona also fulfilled her promise to help him tend the animals, watch the sheep, and plant new crops in the gardens. Soon, they started to get to slowly know one another, exchanging their names, and sharing a few backgrounds with each other. As more days and nights went by, Demona and Y/N soon became good friends and work partners on his farm, they did everything on the farm together, including having lunch and dinner together during break hours, and somewhat playful with one another, usually teasing one or the other. As Demona was sitting on her knees and feeding the chicken in the chicken pen, Demona had caught him staring at the corner of her eye.
Y/N had both eyes locked on to her ass. It was a decent size, round, and very pleasurable to look at, he blushed hard staring at it for a solid minute, getting distracted from feeding the chickens himself.
"You can look, but you cannot touch, Y/N."
Demona smirked getting his attention
"Ah-what ? M-me ? Looking ? Looking at what?? I wasn't looking at anything??"
Said Y/N nervously, Demona then chuckled amused by his reaction, as she then stood up walked off to feed the horses.
"Christ Y/N, smart move, not so subtly hitting on a gargoyle, what a swell life you lead.."
He said to himself.
"At least...not yet, darling. We still have work to do."
Said Demona
Y/N froze as if he was a gargoyle turned to stone during the day. He knew exactly what she meant and wasn't sure if he was ready for it.


A few moments later, Y/N was in his room calling it a night. As he switched into his night clothes, he heard a hum from by his door.
"Y/N...won't you share a bed with me tonight?"
Demona gave a seductive look to Y/N as she swayed her tail back and forth, and stood by the side of his door.
Y/N blushed. Tonight was the night.
"Of course, Demona..."
He gulped, as Demona then smiled showing her pearly white fangs, and then licked them in a seductive manner with her eyes locked on him. Demona then slowly disappeared from view as she headed back to her room, and raised her hand up and gestured for him to follow her.
"Looks like it's Gargoyle Mating season."
He thought.
Demona said from outside his door, Y/N didn't waist no time as he then walked out his room and followed Demona into hers.
As Y/N entered Demona's bedroom, he stepped back and gasped in surprise as he then had a nose bleed
"Demona !?"
Y/N yelped with cheeks as red as his own blood.
There he saw Demona laying down on her bed in a sexy pose, she laid flat on her front with her left hand holding her head up, as her right arm rested beside her, and her left leg was upwards in the air as well as her tail swaying back and forth, and she was completely nude, from breast to bottom.
Y/N gazed upon Demona's fully exposed cleavage, a pair of round blue ones that any man or woman would be a fool to not be aroused by them. He then glanced at Demona's package down below, the perfect size, round soft and big.
Demona then gave a seductive grin showing her fierce fangs and gave him a wink
"Come, Love. Join me in a night you won't ever forget."
Y/N was too aroused to even move.
"What's the matter darling, are you turning to stone?"
Asked Demona as she then used her tail to wrap around his chest and bring him closer on the bed, as she rose to her knees on the bed, licking her lips.
Y/N's eyes dilated as he could feel his pants becoming tighter.
"Say no more..."
Demona said with a low seductive growl, licking her lips again and her eyes glowing a bright red.

Demona effortlessly tore off his clothing like paper "I can't contain my love for you any longer ! I shall ravage you unspeakably!" Demona's blue cheeks then became a bright red as she brought herself closer to Y/N and embraced in a kiss, and her ...

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Demona effortlessly tore off his clothing like paper
"I can't contain my love for you any longer ! I shall ravage you unspeakably!"
Demona's blue cheeks then became a bright red as she brought herself closer to Y/N and embraced in a kiss, and her wings spreader out and covered over the two of them, and Demona gripped his rod causing to moan
Demona growled seductively again with a grin as she then inserted it into her and she let out a low growl of pleasure, pleased by her actions, she then slid her arms behind his back as he did the same, they moaned seductively still kissing, as Demona and Y/N then engaged in a tongue battle for dominance, Demona ended up winning, and she pulled away and grinned
"I win.."
Demona then forced onto his back on the bed and she laid on top of him with his rod still inserted into her, and she began to raise up and down and moan uncontrollably, doing it for a few minutes.
Y/N moaned
Demona moaned as the noises they made got louder and louder
"Yes..I..can feel it..."
Demona groaned as she then let out a loud pleasurable moan, and You did the same.
Demona did it once more only it was a ferocious roar of dominance and of course pleasure from her mate, as a heavy amount of her emission came out.
It was absolutely amazing night for the both of them, Demona enjoyed it so much she wanted to do it again twice, but she had to get ready for the sun to rise and didn't want to get turned to stone in the middle of it all.
Demona had now grown very fondly of the human Y/N, she no longer resented the human race as a whole for the destruction of her clan. Demona was completely in love with You, and did everything to keep him safe, protecting him from strangers threatening to take his crops, fighting off wolves trying to get into the livestock and sheep, and just genuinely felt safe and secure around him, and was happy to call him her mate.

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