Pan Smith

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ERA: Marauders Era

NAME: Pan Balthazar Smith


AGE: 15


HOUSE: Hufflepuff

GENDER: Cisgender Male

SEXUALITY: Homosexual

CRUSH: Beck Williams


PERSONALITY: Pan is an extremely sweet boy and a true Hufflepuff until the end

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PERSONALITY: Pan is an extremely sweet boy and a true Hufflepuff until the end. He's loyal to both his friends and his family, living by the motto of "no one gets left behind". If he sees someone who seems upset or like they need help, he will drop everything he's doing and hurry to help them. He loves helping people and becomes upset when his attempts to help are unsuccessful. He genuinely just wants to make the people around him happy no matter the cost. He has a tenancy to ignore his own emotions in favor of others, usually not even recognizing himself when he's upset. He hates being around other people when he's upset, as he's afraid of being a burden on everyone else. He's very hyper and enthusiastic about everything. He's great with children and loves house elves. He can sometimes be unaware that he says things that might come off as offensive, as he was raised in a pure-blood house. He usually tries not to think about school, as he doesn't do very well in his classes and it makes him feel rather stupid. He brushes it off and acts like he doesn't care about his classes because it's easier than admitting that he tries really hard and still fails.

FAMILY: He comes from a pureblood family and is a direct descendant of Helga Hufflepuff.


OTHER: His family own a house elf named Pippi who Pan likes a lot

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