milkbath, Suds 2 | Episode 6

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{Last time on Suds, Shantel thought she saw a mystery man on the heels of Leilah's little sister. Terrance scooped the new girl up and took her away for ice cream. She gave him a sweet smooch. Then, his tongue slipped and Lalique fell into a seizure.

Meanwhile, Leilah went all momma bear on her sister. Oh, and Terrance dropped Shantel a line, demanding she back off his new toy. I mean, new girl. I mean. Terrance, you want to help a sister out?

While he's working on that, let's get into our emollient-rich, floral milkbath. Ready, Set. . . Suds.}


The line went dead.
Leilah rubbed small circles on her temples. "God, what's happening to my sister?"

• Wednesday •

Lalique found Sylus passing by her Psych 101 building. She adjusted her crop top beneath the short overalls, making sure her skin peeked through the sides.

"Sy," she called, trotting toward him.
He lifted his gaze from the path and a brilliant white smile dug into his cheeks, making her heart do a somersault.
"What up, lil Lei."

Lalique threw her arms around him, drawing his face into her the crook of her neck.
Sylus stumbled forward and grabbed her waist to steady himself. "Dang, girl."

The sweet smell of her perfume snuck into his nose. He inhaled, letting her honeysuckle scent hold him. Sylus rubbed his hands up and down her skin and his lips lingered in the small space near her neck. Then, he gulped and pulled away, freeing his trapped mind with a deep breath of hot, muggy air.

Sylus stuffed his hands into his pockets and scanned the area. His eyes returned to her creamy skin. Then, he licked his lips and forced his gaze to settle on her smiling face.

He cleared his throat. "D missed class today."
She shrugged. "I was hoping to see you."
He rubbed his fade and looked away from her sultry eyes.

A sudden bout of laughter burst pass his pearly smile. "What's good, T?"
Lalique winced. A determined string of plastic held her smile in place.

Terrance slapped Sylus five and they pulled each other into a one armed, bro hug.
Sylus grinned, "What's good with you?"
"Nothing, man."

Grinning, Terrance turned to Lalique. A mischievous smirk glinted in his brown eyes.
Her smile wilted.
Terrance closed the space between them and molded her lips to the form of his own. Their puckered lips smacked when he eased away, staring into her widened eyes. "How you been, Lique?"

Stunned, she blinked away the shock and swooped her braids over her shoulder. Students walked around them, darting uninvited stares that chipped away at her personal wall.

Sylus nodded. "I see you, playboy." He held out his fist. "I'm gone."
Terrance bumped his fist. "Alright, bro."
Lalique spun, watching him leave. "Bye, Sylus."
He waved without looking back.

She dropped her fake smile and punched Terrance in the arm. "Why did you do that? Now he's going to think we're together."
Terrance shrugged, rubbing away the pain. "I don't mind."
"I do," she groaned, narrowing her eyes. "I never thought you'd be a cock blocker."
He held his hands up. "Your rules. No tongue. Fair game."

She crossed her arms, looking to the stone bench outside the octagon-shaped building. A girl from from her dorm sat, staring at her phone. Lique snapped her attention back to Terrance. "How did you know what to do yesterday." She pushed her hair back. "I mean, when I had the seizure."

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