milkbath, Suds 2 | Episode 7

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{Last time on Suds, Sylus slipped into Lalique's arms and got comfy there until Terrance showed up and showed out by stamping his name on her lips with a kiss.

Hands up, Sylus tried to work things out with Mira, but she was like, "Move it along, sir." Then, the almost Dr. Alejandro popped in all gentleman-like and whisked Mira away.

Poor Sy was just not having a good day, so he found his confidant, Shantel, and ended up in her bed. While he was there watching the studious side of Shantel, he asked the question inquiring minds have been dying to know.

Do you want to know, too? Hop in, boo. The milkbath is Ready, set. . . Suds!!}

• Wednesday •

Sylus paid close attention to her movements and the dent that formed on her forehead while she read the oversized textbook.

"For real, though," he said. "What happened to you?"


Shantel examined the muscular man on her bed, wondering how they managed to get so close. Her mouth opened to answer his question. Then, she closed it, considering the pros and cons of sharing this side of herself.

Tired of thinking, she shut her books and placed them on her nightstand. "You want to know what happened to the 'evil braud' as you so eloquently dubbed me?"

Sylus lay on his side, propping his head up with his arm. "Yeah. What happened?"

Shantel padded over to her dresser, pulled out a large t-shirt, and tossed it at him. "Cover up your man boobs. They're distracting."

Sylus sat and pounded his chest. "Ain't nothing fleshy about these pecs." Then, he stood, making his pecs dance. "You see that? Bam, bam, bam." From left to right, he made his muscles jump.
Shantel laughed.
Sylus gathered the tee. "I'm still gon put this shirt on cause a brother does have that effect on women."

She rolled her eyes, resting her hands on the candy striped, hat box atop her dresser.
Sylus sat on her bed, watching as she lifted the box from the sides, and folded herself into sitting position on the plush carpet. She placed the large box on the soft carpet and patted the space on the rug beside her.

Sylus slid off the bed and sat beside her, struggling to fold his long legs. Then, spread them out instead. "I jumped through all those hoops and you still got me on the floor," he complained.

She smiled, flipping the latch on the box open and closed. Open, then closed.
A minute later, she glanced over and her eyes met his. "Why aren't you saying something annoying?"
He shrugged. "I might later."

She smiled and flipped the latch open again. Her manicured fingers rested on the leather of the suitcase-like box. "What's the longest that you've ignored someone?" She flipped the latch close.

He scrunched his brows. "I don't, except when Mira and I are off again. But, other than that, I don't ignore anybody."

"Hmph." She flicked open the latch, lifted the lid, and exhaled.
Curiosity drew Sylus forward. "Books?"
She turned the box to face him. "Journals."

Sylus squinted at a laminated photo of an older lady hugging a young girl, glued to the inner lid of the box.
Shantel pointed at the little girl. "I was five in this picture."
He picked up the circular box with both hands, inspecting the well preserved picture. "Is that your grandma?"

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