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"you lying lemme see" Alexus said sitting on the bed

I walked into the bathroom to get the test and handed it to her

She looked at me with her mouth open and then at Kylah and they both stared at each other

"Bitch say something" I said waving my hand in their face to get their attention

Kylah focused back on me. "Did you tell him yet?"

I shook my head and sat in the chair across from her with my palms on my face. I felt a tear fall and I looked up at my best friends. "what ima do? Im not even cut out to be a mama"

"Well" Lex said sitting next to me. "Whatever you choose to do we always right here 10 toes behind you"

"forever and always" kylah said coming over too

I grabbed my phone out my pocket and decided to text Christian


wyd rn?


2 hrs later

Kylah and Lex had work in the morning so they went home. Tomma was my day off so i stayed up waiting for christians response.

I warmed up a burger from the cookout while scrolling my ig feed and Christian texted me


Maybe: Christian
aint think yo ass would text me

but aint shit why wassup ?

we need to talk ab sum important

Maybe: Christian
ite ttm

like, in person type shit

you cant fly down hea ?

Maybe:  Christian
i can catch a flight in da am


its real important

read 7:20pm

"yeah he coming in the morning" I said ok group ft

"are you nervous?" Ky asked

"hell yeah, wtf ima do wit a baby bro?" I said starting to freak out.

I took a deep breath and sat on the bed. "Ima cal yall after he get here tomma"

"okay, Love you" they both said

"love yall too"

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