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"this shit boutta be crazy" I said on facetime with Quincy. "I cant believe im really in this mess"

"Well shit i cant believe it either. Just be a man,accept yo mistakes, and get it over with"

"Yeah I guess" I said pulling into the driveway. "Ima call you later tho and fill you in"

"Ite brotha good luck"

"Thanks man"

I ended the call and got out the car slowly. I locked the doors and began walking towards the door. I didnt even have to knock, Breah and Kemani were already standing there door wide open.

I walked in and before I could say wassup Breah sent a smack to my head. "Goddamn hello to you too"

"I dont got all day Christian, explain this shit" Breah said

I stood there"I don't know what to say other than she's pregnant"

"Ok we already talked about that" she said walking closer to me. "Im really about to smack the shit out you right now"

I grabbed her arms before she could try to hit me "Yo Breah chill"

"No i cant just chill! We been together for how long Christian? And you decided to do some fucked up shit like this knowing I would never in a million years even think about doing you this way"

"I know B, im sorry ian mean for it to go this far i swear"

She snatched her arms away and turnt to Kemani.

"And you, you just as dumb as he is. Fuck all that drunk shit you grown enough to know wrong from right." She grabbed her keys and purse. "You know what...Get a flight on your own. I'll see you back at home so you can pack your shit. I'm done"

"Breah wait" I said grabbing her hand as she headed for the door

She turnt around with tears down her face. "Please just let me go. Congratulations on y'all's baby"

I did as she asked knowing how hurt she was.

Kemani walked over and locked the door. "Do you need to sit down or some water?"

"Not the time yo" I said

"You cant catch an attitude with me because YOU decided to keep fuckin with me knowing you have a girlfriend! And i'm not saying it's just yo fault either because we both in the wrong" She said sitting on the stairs

"So what we gone do now, Mani"

"I don't know..." she said

It got completely quiet for a few seconds.

"I'll just get an abo-" she said and i cut her off

"No, no, no. Why would that even be your first option?"

"So you want me to keep it?"

I let out a deep breath "Yeah.."

She stood up and walked over to me "Im not going to keep it Christian if you're not going to be there"

"I gotta go, I'll text you later" I said walking towards the door

She followed behind me. "Okay"



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"Girl yes. And i feel so bad that i caused all this." I said on group facetime

"Well idk man" Lex started. "Best you can do is stay healthy and raise a baby."

"Right" Kylah added on.

"You right. Im just so nervous"

Kylah smacked her lips. "You gone be a good mama i know you are"

"Ughhh" I laid down and turnt on my TV. "My mom said the same thing too"

"What about your dad?"

I looked in the camera. "Not like he'll care so i didn't tell him"

"Mm" said Alexus

"But i'll call yall" I said yawning

"Okay, Love you" they both said

"Love yall too"

I ended the call and got under my blanket, turning on Sister Sister.

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